thinking about drawing in deviantart or sumthin

well i know this blog was quick right after the haloween blog but hey i llove this community and game Laughing out loud
anywho as the tile says im thinking of maybe sighning up to deviantart

im trying to do something close enough so i can reach my goal to becoe a character designer ,animator ect ect....

the only thing is that im not sure if they will sya if im too young or something
so im might need your guys opinions about this and moslty advice from expeiriences from devianatrt

my deer ego lucky and me

p.s forget about the mispellings
lulululu's picture

Well as your profile says

Well as your profile says your were born this year, I'm gonna assume that's wrong and just give some general advice:

Don't sign up before you're thirteen, unless you're willing to go through all the COPPA stuff. If they find out how old you actually are they will shut your account down without any warning, and you'll lose all of it, so it's just not worth it.

As for other advice:
Don't pay for an account unless you're certain you want one.
Get involved on the boards, especially in the threads where you show a piece of your artwork. It'll get you recognised.
Don't be too concerned about other people's opinions, but always be willing to accept constructive criticism and feedback. Don't be rude to those who are trying to help. On the other hand, you've always got the right to request no constructive criticism; just write it in the image description.
Anything that's not your art in some way, but you've edited or some such, goes into scraps. This includes memes. Some people will also put their sketches and progress into scraps, but there's no need, as they're part of your artistic process.
Lastly, enjoy yourself, enjoy putting up artwork and seeing other peoples'. Don't take it too seriously.

Hope I helped a little

I'm not sure making a

I'm not sure making a DeviantArt account will help you with your goal. DA is unprofessional (despite there being industry big-shots on it, they did not establish themselves through that site).

I would focus on just making art. DeviantArt doesn't offer the best platform for critique anyway, most of the people who do offer criticisms are not knowledgeable (either in how to critique, or in the techniques themselves). You'll get a lot of "this looks wrong" without explaining why, or how it can be fixed). Not always the case, but in my experience (I've had a DA gallery for years) I've only received a handful of genuinely helpful comments.

Just make art. Design characters. Animate. That will be more helpful.
Unless you're just looking to make a place to store your art online. That's really what DeviantArt ends up being for most people.

thanks for the advice i

thanks for the advice i really needed it i ask some of my friends about this execpt they ahve no idea what devantart is x3

but thank for telling me about this its really helpful

No problem Lucky. Oh! I

No problem Lucky. Oh! I forgot to mention, you can always post TEF related drawings here on TEFc! We'd love to see your art and if you get to the point where you'd like to ask for some critiques or advice the community has been really good about that too.