There's A Creator Behind That Creation (Me)

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May 19, 2015

They say she lives on the outside, a faceless creature lurking behind the scenes, that the fringes of our world are her home. Others say that she walks among us everyday, wearing a human face and skin, that she pretends to be one of us because she wants to belong. They say she is small but other than that no one knows what she looks like. She is a shifter, a flick of a hand brings new features. She speaks through many throats and tongues. It is said that you could meet her and never know what she was.

She is still young, time passes the same for her as the mortals that fascinate her. It is said that she can die but that she will always be reborn again. Flowers will grow from her rotting body and she will be within them, energy transferred from organism to organism until she finds a womb to grow in. The other Gods are not like her, she is slight and small, not grand like they are. While they give off power like a small sun her's is only a whisper of what could be. While some of them are ugly or extremely beautiful, she is plain. She posses few known powers, namely DNA and vapor manipulation. These powers are extensive, each holds great potential for creation and destruction though she seldom uses them. It is said that she writes with black ink on her skin, notes, reminders, images and songs. When she wills them to they come to life, swirling across her skin, breathing as she herself breathes.

Some say that her name is Taborri, Voices That Carry, though she seldom speaks. Her voice becomes known in her creations, in the ink lines she lays down. Each holds it's own being. Each holds its own life. They say she is a creator, an artist, a sculptor. The Goddess of Creations and Discovery though few know of her and those that have met her do not remember. She wishes to learn but does not know how for no one has ever told her how to seek the answers she needs. An inquisitive mind and a spirit that desires to help. They say she is still unsure of herself, that she is unsteady in her attempts. Everyone around her is a force that she must absorb. It is said that in the end she must return to solitude so she can begin again the next day.

A secret not worth knowing but always kept. A deviation that's all she is.

Apr 26, 2015

I want to make something.
I want to matter.
I want to create something that will wow,
that'll take away the breath of those who see it.
I want them to feel,
to cry,
to question
the world around them.
But, if I put something up
and they laugh
or worse
ignore it, what then?
So I'll wait
and scabble
around my small skills
and look
for the perfect stone
to throw.
And never throw it.

Apr 15, 2015
Am I just a spark?

One day someone stands where I stood now
Black ink spilled through those paper edges
There's a reason only a snake could kill it
Life in these pages,
some without names and some without faces
Days spent and these lyrics bleed
So seethrough the shadows come through
Every inch of me in something no one reads
Nothing to understand

Apr 10, 2015
Bad Night To Be Alone

I wonder what my purpose is sometimes,
the things I used to do no longer
bring the same amount of enjoyment.
Perhaps there is no reason I am here at all.
Who knows?

Nov 16, 2014
I Am Free but I Am Flawed

Who am I?
Little speck in vast enternity
Unknown in shadows past
Seen but not known, heard
Hard to rember and easy to forget

To be honest I am something but nothing
Everywhere and nowhere
Amorphous, free falling, solid
Tangible, intangible
Beyond comprehension
A Shape
Nothing more
Stay with us

But there has always been a spark
Within these worried twisted guts
Anxiety that amounts to woethlessnes
Burried deep within worries
Will I ever be good enough for me?

Fear has away of creeping past hidden
Feathers aren't ment for flight without wings
Feet remain grounded firm on soil
Comfortable in the element of earth
Higher means further to fall
I've fallen enough

Some times I wonder what my silence is worth
Words have been measured enough
Grades and intelligence exploited too much
Self-worth has gone down and anxiety up
Sleep's been found precious since we get such small supply
Our own heads are worth more
Life's become complicated again
Does anyone ever truly listen to my silence?
To those lonely songs I sing inside my head
When the day is over and dead

But there's a fire within me
Hidden volcano burried deep enough
Aries, the ram, burning blistering fire sign
I know my mettle, know inside the quiet strength
One middle school day, one bully trying to hurt a freind
Charged right in ready to defend
"Don't listen to her, she's just a.....idot."
Pushed from behind for that

They say I'm soft and gentle
The quiet one, the innocent one, the cute one
Maybe I am but that's not all
Not a blank slate for others to draw

In the words of May B.
Caroline Starr Rose
"So many things
I know about myself
I've learned from others.
Without someone to listen,
to judge,
to tell what to do ,
and to choose
Who I am,
do I get to decide for myself?"

Who am I?
She wasn't where she had been
She wasn't where she was going
But she was on her way
Darling to you who am I?
You asked a simple question of me,
Wanted me to bear my bones
Expose my truest heart
Show the contents of my multicolored soul
Questions aren't so easy are they?

Who am I?
There's no answer I can give
No words to fashin into sentences
Who's to really know the looker?
Not the characters she plays nor those who think they're closer
A secert not worth knowing but always kept
A deviation that's all she is

Nov 13, 2014

Talk in quick bursts, fast paced laughter
Always the happy shell or the quiet other
Frantic words centered so on happiness
Bitter remarks hiden by cheerful facade
You thought you knew but I degress
Really quite a nervous thing
with hopes and sometimes dreams

Nov 7, 2014
Newcomer's Advice

I'm one of the new ones here I'll admit
You probably can't even keep us all straight in your head
A tide of new faces, day in and day out
Some linger for awhile
A few stay and many leave
Some find themselves sinking down into the dark
Of unseen places
And I have always been comfortable in the faded places
One thing I know, for certain now
You can't a few rotten apples
Put out the candles of the rest out
After all, don't you see?
Cider tastes better with a little rot mixed in
Love the sweet but treasure the bitter
Love and be loved
Know that you are wanted unless told otherwise
But even then hold a tablespoon of salt
I'm a background keeper,
Been here two years and I'll be here longer

Nov 3, 2014
I think you don't know what you've been making
A creature of resentment and the solid beleif
I am never good enough
For you or anyone else

Oct 27, 2014
Her Reasons

A smile is all she gives, it matters not to her
But life is full of promise and darkness
Never one with out the other and the web reaches all
Why one reason for living? Why not all?
So she takes all that her forms provide
Sight, flight, touch and sense
Intangible and changeable
Solid and fixed, fast and slow
Why settle when there's so much more?
Speech isn't needed to listen
Eyes aren't needed to see
And so she goes without

Oct 24, 2014

I chose this
Made this mask I wear
Blank faced china is all that will apear
No emotions, happy, angery, nothing shows
Not because it was forced on me
But so I learn and see without you noticing
No features so you must know me
My actions not superfical traits
Are what must be judged now

Oct 1, 2014
Behind The Guise

She's always been a shifer
A faceless creature lurking behind the scenes
A thousand guises to pain over the
Grey canvas of colors adorning

In the web she's spun, she's no spider
Only a dancer on the strings she's strung
Oh many know her where the forest dwells
Though no one sees her

A flick of a hand brings new features
She speaks through many throats and tounges
There's many hands that claim to match
But only one fingerprint remains

Who's to really know the looker?
Not the characters she plays nor those who think they're closer
A secert not worth knowing but always kept
A deviation that's all she is

TreeDancer's picture

TRACKS I adore poetry and

I adore poetry and alot of these are really well written (and hit home ) gonna read through the ones I havn't now Smiling
kiwara's picture

you and your beautiful poems.

you and your beautiful poems. ♥
Avatar © Squeegie & Siggy © Caiir + other
Ebony3's picture

(No subject)

Thanks, it took me a long time to decide to post this
I don't usually put such personal things here
Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.
Anarth's picture

Tracks. These are wonderful

Tracks. These are wonderful and beautiful!
In a field of bluebells a white deer sleeps, her eyes shielded from golden rays.