JULY 16TH, 2011
WELL HELLO THERE... HA HA HA HA HA... omg. I'm coming back guys. ♥
Leaving my deer down there un-updated for now though, I gotta get ready for work and I think I need to replace one of my characters anyhow. BUT WHEN I GET BACK FROM MY SHIFT MAN I THINK I'LL JUST WHORE MYSELF ALL OVER THIS PLACE IN CAPS because I'm done missing it and Munkel and I are going to pimp the TEF partnership I had back up. /hugs everywhere! everywhere!
OCTOBER 28TH, 2010
Hum, haven't updated this in a while, so I figured I would out of boredum. Can't change the video here at school though. D<
So I got confirmed last week and the bishop mentioned that we should all agree on the fact that Iowa's law allowing gays to marry isn't right. I mentally flipped shit. If that's what it means to be a Christian, I am not one. .-. I am ALL FOR letting people in love have holy matrimony, Adam and Eve or not. (Even then, I've never really liked Eve; she's the one that 'created' the pain of childbirth as punishment for eating the fruit. If they existed. Thanks to her, I have no desire at all to and have a fear of being pregnant.)
Anyway LOL on a much brighter subject, I'm sick 8DD ...Which isn't brighter at all. I've had a bad throat all week and just yesterday I had a quick episode where I felt like throwing up while trembling and having odd cramps. ;; idk... but it needs to go away. It's been with me too long and it's just plain annoying now. I sound stupid when I talk.
SO ... I MIGHT BE FREE THIS WEEKEND... WHICH MEANS TEF? Me, actually in the game--AHAHAHA yeahwe'llsee :| ♥
I'd rather get around to drawing all my characters individually so I can actually start making their bios, though... HMMM.
D: whatHerwhat?
DraakxMitra C:
kadng Herrr D> *hugglesnug*
-- Dannii <3
D: I've had really good
DraakxMitra C:
-- Dannii <3
DraakxMitra C:
Good God I love you. And
-- Dannii <3
Her...am i one of they three
The Freaky Vampire Emo Kid Was Here
You Know You Love Me XOXO -- MickKreiger
At First I was like --gasp-- and then I lol'd
Mick and Mika = <3<3<3
I'm going to copy-paste what
My point is, it's not hate about you guys liking Hetalia. Some of us really do get left out.
And no, I probably won't watch it. You shouldn't expect people to watch something just to get involved in more conversations with you. And in turn, you shouldn't force yourself to watch something you don't like just because a friend likes it. One of my good friends doesn't like anime. I won't expect her to watch it, and I don't talk about it around her. At most, a joke will be thrown in about how I watch it. The rest of the time, we talk about things we both like, or things going on currently.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I never said you HAD to go
I'm never on iScribble anyway. And when I am it's because I was asked to see something a friend of mine drew; I wouldn't intentionally ignore you.
I like you, too, Mick~ and thank you.
I'll take the appropriate action.
your welcome --you can has a
--you can has a free Big Rak Burger with Mickener fries
The Freaky Vampire Emo Kid Was Here
You Know You Love Me XOXO -- MickKreiger
At First I was like --gasp-- and then I lol'd
Mick and Mika = <3<3<3
That proves you still don't
I'm not whining about you liking it. Never once did I do that.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
You keep telling everyone
I'll take the appropriate action.
No you don't. I don't leave
Please stop trying to find hate directed towards you that doesn't exist.
It feels like you're trying to make me hate you. ;_;
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I have to agree with
Above all, I just stated my feelings. I was never throwing any poisonous hate arrows at anyone or your little fandom. I won't touch it, I WOULDN'T DARE. It's very nice when some people share an interest, but some people (like me and Pega) just don't and we like to be part of the group too. But I feel forced to watch that first episode just to get involved and laugh about the same stuff. You must admit, most of the blogs lately is filled with Hetalia. Maybe not every day, but every other day. I always read the blogs, ALWAYS. But when I find Hetalia over and over again and I can't say anything about it, cause I don't watch it, I leave in disappointment. Because there's nothing there that involves me or interests me, so I can't comment. Or it would be a complete pointless comment and I'm just not good at those...
It's just, I told everyone how I feel. How I bottled all these emotions up because I thought letting it out was unfair. I've held it in for YOU guys. I've only said it once, just because I noticed it... In my opinion it only got worse and I bottled and bottled, until there wasn't any room left and the bottle exploded. I just... had to express what I feel. Not throwing hatred, just feelings.
I'm a human being, I have feelings too. You can't expect me to swallow them just because you think it's unfair to feel that way.
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
The only thing I'm trying to gain from my bitching is for people to stop slapping me upside the head about Hetalia.
Youpeopledon'tread. Let me repeat. The only reason my blogs are full of Hetalia are because the only people that read them know what it is, so I may as well humor those that see what I write with the thing that we love. If you haven't noticed I also talk about Hikaru no Go and that's something that only I like. Had you told me earlier that you read my crap and let me know that you were here and wanted to keep a connection with me then I probably wouldn't have raved about it so much. It's not all my fault; it is NEVER all one person's fault, so accept that you have some things to straighten out, too.
And for the third time, I didn't ever say "you have to watch Hetalia." You don't. And you don't ~HAAAAVE~ to watch it to be my friend, either. I'm ill for having to repeat that so many times and it's sad that that main point of all of this just wooshes over your heads. I am not losing you guys as friends, I'm just trying to get you to stop poking at me because I like a certain something.
besides, Avani, I don't see why you're trying to keep a relationship with me when you said you were leaving TEF. Idon'tmean like I don't want your love, but if we're going to be friends and while I'm at it, I don't want you to leave >C
I'll take the appropriate action.
Well, what I got from your
I read plenty of things and I also comment most of the time. But I can't remember our times before Hetalia, so I can't really remember what was in your blogs back then.
And ofcourse it's never your fault alone, but I never accused anyone. I just FELT left out and I FELT the need to say it. Again pointing out that I only told what I feel and I see nothing wrong with that. I was seriously ticked off when I wrote that and not only because of this. Also the God pelts and whatnot bothered me.
But I've been feeling sad about this the whole day... I'm not angry anymore, just.. depressed and insecure. I don't know who likes me and who doesn't like me anymore. Am I really interesting to anyone? I've talked to Dannii about it and she assured me that she likes me and considers me a friend because I'm really confused. I'm scared that people are prentending, just so they won't hurt my feelings.
For the last time, not only directed at you: I'M NOT LEAVING TEF. I'm just changing my role in the play, pushes myself to the background a little. Being less involved in the community and more in the game. I've been too absorbed in this community it's not healthy... >.>
And even IF I'd be entirely leaving TEF, I still wouldn't leave my friends like that. ._.
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Quote:And do you really
Very xD Holy shit. It wouldn't have to be worded so literally though; I was shocked to find Fled reads my stuff and then again that Light read some of it, too. And Mick. I never knew and it kind of scares me now to think that I don't even know who reads my stuff. I always have my deer updates up, too, you know, and although I talk about Hetalia I also make sure to mention a few points of what's happening in my life as well.
You are a heavily interesting person, Avani, and this only proves it. I've always admired your tough skin and we share a will of fighting back. That probably explains why our friendship has had more ups and downs than anyone else. Yet even now while we bicker
about the stupidest thing there is to bicker aboutI still have respect for and love you. I consider you a friend as well....FOR JUSTICE.
I'll take the appropriate action.
Uh? |D I've been sitting the
Can't you assume other people are reading though? I've said before somewhere that I read everything on this site. Especially if I've commented on something before, cuz I check my track page first when I get here. If I see a blog on there is updated, I go to see what's been added. I just don't always comment. If I don't know what to say then.. *shrug* It'd just be a "I read this" or "Sup?". |D
EDIT: And Pega takes too long to type a response! 8D;
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
I'm just bad at commenting overall. I'm like: 'LOL' most of the time. But... I don't wanna spam your page with 'LOL' everytime so yeah. Arghk. Confuuuuusion. D|
Yeah... we like to bitch at each other I guess. I think we're more alike than we think, in some way.
I know this is really stupid, but I was still really upset about it. I felt so... meh... and like: 'Hello? Avani's here too, you know! ;_;' But I never had the guts to actually type it, because it probably sounds all wrong and attention demanding. That's just not like me, I want to be independant, damn it. But I still rely a lot on you people. Maybe a bit too much, that could be it.
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
...MENTALLY sit <8D I know
I know my having a public blog on TEF means anyone can read it but I guess I never considered that people actually do read it. A fault of mine is that I need too much proof before I believe in something and that ties into this somehow in that I need to know who really reads my blog before I write one. I KNOW IT'S WEIRD to like. Comment with a "I RED UR BLOG IT WUZ AWSUM" and I don't want that, I just. ...uhh. I can't word it. But I assume you get how I feel right NFHDSng
and don't leave, Pega. I know you never mentioned leaving but like. Don't ...turn on me. I don't want to lose you. Just making sure.. <3
HURHFURG I know. And that's so self-centered of me, to sit there ranting about Heta and not even caring that I knew it was letting people drift. I admit to doing that and I admit that I talk about it a lot, and I really am sorry. But now it's turned on me and I realize it's effect more than I should: I lost you people. But now I've found you again and I'm keeping you on my map so I don't lose my way to you again. Please don't assume that I hate you. And cheer up, Avani; I know you feel low right now but you have no reason to.
For every bad thing that comes your way, another good comes to balance it out. Meaning you'll be fine in just a few seconds here for some reason. <3
And Raku, Raz, I know you're reading this. Talking on my own like this hurt you a lot and I can tell, so. Just. Know that I'm ..sorry. For whatever D> I'm trying to expand my field of friends, um. I love you people. I don't know what to say nghskl please don't emo on me..
I'll take the appropriate action.
*pumps fist in air* >8D I'LL
...I'm randomly hyper.
But seriously, I'm not leaving. I was worried I'd be losing a friend. D=
I get the feeling my updates aren't read myself at times. |D Not the pointless stuff. Those are just...yea. An update like "Bored. |D" won't get a comment, so I'm not surprised when I get none to that. But if I put something with "content" and get no response, I get the same feeling you're talking about, even though I shouldn't. |D Probably because I'm a closet attention whore. XD;; But who doesn't like attention?
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
That's okay, Her. And maybe
You were right, I indeed feel a little better now. Like a weight has been lifted! *insertdrama*
I won't leave either. I promise. *hugs Her and Pega 'cause they're both present now* |DD
And yes, we all like attention. Otherwise I wouldn't write that many 'opinions'. ;D
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
I'll take the appropriate action.
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
*takes sunflower seed and
YAY. 8D ...Avani I took that
...Avani I took that wrong. *shot*
Know what I notice? Misunderstandings always lead to stronger friendships. 8D
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
And that, Pega, is why I'm
ohlol Taku and ...Raku. why did I not notice this.
I'll take the appropriate action.
LOL. I intentionally made it
Pega, that's something as old as the world itself. 8D
Yes, fighting can strengthen the bond. You get to know each other better and both know how you think and feel about stuff. It can prevent other misunderstandings and somehow I always feel more loving after we made up. I wanna spread sugarhearts everywhere <33
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
I think I've had enough
But yesh. Fighting can be good. It's just I don't think I've ever gotten into an actual fight with my two closest friends in real life. O.o We somehow...don't. *wonders why*
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Quote:Fighting can be
I will now proceed to laugh my ass off at this and admire it and go by it's rule all at once. IT'S ...SO DELICIOUS IN A WRONG WAY
I'll take the appropriate action.
Licking stains out of
I'M NEVER DOING THAT. D8 *hates the smell of dry saliva* Which I know about from waking up finding I've drooled. >> << >> Yes.
Fighting can be even better if it's the name of an awesome snack/dish. *brick'd?*
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
FFFF what'dImissthistime?
DraakxMitra C:
I ranted about being
I'll take the appropriate action.
dkhflsfkg that's one pretty
Sorry for the random comment :c
*eyeearnosemouthbleed* LEEJUN
-nosebleeds with Raku-
I'll take the appropriate action.
I MISSED YOU TOO, I needed your argumentive skills but...itsovernow.
DraakxMitra C:
I'M SO HAPPY TO BE BACK BWAAAAOOH~ -hughughug- now I can't wait to get my MSN back and catch up on what I've missed
I'll take the appropriate action.
o///////o What is he? A
Mika//; ;\\ Puppet
South Korean actor, model,
I enjoy YouTubeing him before bed....FOR JUSTICE.
I'll take the appropriate action.
Oh my so he's an everything
Oh my
Mika//; ;\\ Puppet
I'll take the appropriate action.
Everything? Mika//; ;\\
Mika//; ;\\ Puppet
I'll take the appropriate action.
he wouldn't hold a candle
he wouldn't hold a candle to my singingkthnxbai
The Freaky Vampire Emo Kid Was Here
You Know You Love Me XOXO -- MickKreiger
At First I was like --gasp-- and then I lol'd
Mick and Mika = <3<3<3
DraakxMitra C:
The Freaky Vampire Emo Kid Was Here
You Know You Love Me XOXO -- MickKreiger
At First I was like --gasp-- and then I lol'd
Mick and Mika = <3<3<3
You guys fighting makes me
I'm also one of those "I always read everything" people. Because I'm interested D8'.. I might not be the most active "friend" and whatnot, but I'm always around.
Lurking over your shoulderr. ..
--Stays a lonely Seele