TEFc Pet Blog

Halafax's picture
If you're anything like me, you enjoy showing off pictures of your pets. Here's a blog for that exact purpose. Respond with a picture of your (past or present) pet(s)!

(potentially image heavy)

My dog Bear before we shave him for the summer:

After we shave him...this is his idea of a fetch stick:

My bunny Lok who we unfortunately had to give away recently as my mother and I became severely allergic to him and we are the only ones who take care of him. I miss him so much :'c

And I am babysitting my friend's chinese dwarf hamster, Patrick, for the summer. I don't have any pictures of him but he's super cute!

What pets do you have?
GingerNut's picture

That is one huge stick o-o I

That is one huge stick o-o I love how he's all like, "Whaddya mean ya can't throw it? D':"
Halafax's picture

He had a slightly shorter

He had a slightly shorter stick that he use to carry around and swing and consequently knock people out with. Then he chewed it to bits. He is part beaver, I think...

Aw a bunny

Aw a bunny<333

Your dog...is...awesomesauce! :'D

Mai Scoobs, *tosses in her own doggy*

Halafax's picture

D'awwww he is super cute!! Is

D'awwww he is super cute!! Is he a lab?

Nope he's a pitt/chihuahua +

Nope he's a pitt/chihuahua + chow...i wish he was floofy xD

Halafax's picture

I thought that said cow

I thought that said cow instead of chow x_x
Floofy dogs are nice but then you get their hair every where, haha.

'moo-bark' lol, your dog

'moo-bark' lol, your dog reminds me of a Shep

Oh yes, *pulls out brush* but Puli's are awful

lol, i have a pit bull, a

lol, i have a pit bull, a cat, two terantulas, two rats, i love em all!, oh im sorry no pics!
Halafax's picture

He's supposedly a Border

He's supposedly a Border Collie/Black Lab mix.

Ah yes, the mop dogs X3

Oh blmunson, you ninja'd me!
That is quite the zoo of animals you have there! Are tarantulas interesting pets? Not that I would ever own one as I am terrified of bugs. :c



hjfhahd Halafax your dog is

hjfhahd Halafax your dog is so cute. /squish

My house is basically a zoo, but these are the only pictures I have access to right now.

Roxie, one year old, 100+ pound King German Shepherd and a terrible bedhogger.

Maya, a three year old Siberian Husky. Not suited for this terribly hot California weather, sadly. :T

Dizzy, the African Grey, and two cats, Dreyfuss and Winnie.

We have one more dog, two more cats, and a billion fish, but like I said, I can't find any pictures of them right now. B)
Halafax's picture

hehe but 100+ pound

hehe but 100+ pound bedhoggers are the best kind! XD

Aw poor Maya. At least she likes the water?
Bear is terrified of any source of liquid, even wet spots on the sidewalk ._.

Dreyfuss is an awesome name for a cat.

Three dogs, four cats, Dizzy the african grey, and a billion fish... you're right, you do have a zoo. x3