[ teeth. \ updates, rambles, stuff. Kosshi in forest.

heather!'s picture
{ teeth }

+ wasp & kosshi

Name: Heather
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Country: Canada
Physical Health: 87% - sick. throat hurts like mad.
Mental Health: 99% - happy as a clam!
Mood: er - see above ^
Appearance: uh, sick and pjs and gross.

1. Write Wasp's rough bio.
2. Screenshot like mad.
3. Pretty-up Kosshi.
4. Make Kosshi's bio BLOOM.
5. Same to Wasp's.
6. Make friends?
7. GIMP-up some good screenshots and get them on here!
8. Format everything!
9. other stuff?
10. Make display picture.
11. Transfer the important stuff from old account to new main. ex/ bios.
12. Design and choose a set for Teeth.
13. Write Teeth's rough bio.

SO, I haven't been on in ages and I really missed the forest. QQ but I'll hopefully be on a bit more now! I just need to um, figure out spellsaver.. still. fsdnghjghfg

However, I met a lovely deer today. Even though I'm not sure who you are, and you made Kosshi feel a little more energetic than usual! It's nice sitting beside you while you're asleep. SQUEE n___n Oh and, I'm REALLY UPSET I MISSED THE RUT. D'''''''''''''''':

_______________ insert banner..

[insert picture. guu..]

Name: Wasp
Pictogram: W
Age: 1 and a half years
Gender: Stag
Love Interest: He hasn't even got a crush. x)
Friends: He's yet to get some real friends, he's just had some little gatherings with randoms.

Location: -
Mood: Excited, bouncy, happy, bubbly, social. xD
Thinking: "P:"


[picture's comin'!]

Name: Kosshi
Pictogram: K
Age: 3 years
Gender: Doe
Love Interest: Not even a crush aha.
Friends: She's not met anyone in a really formal way yet. Just pranced around with some random deer so far.

Location: Around the Pond.
Mood: Bouncy, but still cuddly and shy.
Thinking: "squee <3"



Name: Teeth
Pictogram: T
Age: 1 year
Gender: Stag
Love Interest: nada, zip, zero, zilch. (:
Friends: No one DDD:

Location: -
Mood: Bored. :\
Thinking: "Set?"
Custard's picture


heather!'s picture

Thank you!

Thank you! <3
Imp's picture


heather!'s picture

yey! Thank you!

yey! Thank you!
Sonata's picture

Tracking c:

Tracking c:
heather!'s picture

eee, t'ankss!

eee, t'ankss!
heather!'s picture

-selfish bump D:

-selfish bump D:
heather!'s picture

And then thank you to some

And then thank you to some other stag for the rest of Wasp's set. <3
heather!'s picture

No thank you! You're helping

No thank you!
You're helping me so much right now. <3
heather!'s picture

LOL Just need the real deer

Just need the real deer mask and then don't worry about the pelt, I use the Crying Idol.
heather!'s picture

There you are! Thought I'd

There you are! Thought I'd lost you for a moment there.
heather!'s picture

LOL actually it is. xD But

LOL actually it is. xD
But now we're done! yeyeyeyey