
quadraptor's picture

Sushi for the Soul - Index

Hello everyone. Well now that I've been in kind of a more relaxed mood, I wanted to introduce a new segment called Sushi for the Soul (it's a parody of Chicken Soup for the Soul). I will feature a variety of things in this series to make your day, whether it be simple musings, photos, music, and so on.

Entries with Ê next to it just means it was from an e-mail my family sent me that I wanted to share with you.

The Deer Fighting Ring -Quite Heavy Image Warning-

The crowds watching:

Ice: The red in the lead!

Ice: Oh.. now the blue..

Ice's day so far...

Later on...

No offence to the people in the pics of course btw!
ICeCreeds's picture

More Help..Please

Its been over 8 days now since i contacted and M&A for a change of my password , and they still havent replied. Is this normal? Because...ive heard it only took them about a week or less? :/ Im just getting worried is all...
OokamiAzura's picture

Concerning Mini Devouts.

I am blogging about this, due to the fact that the harassment towards Nine is already getting out of hand.

The Mini Devout is NOT a hack. It is GLITCHED DATA.

You can stop harassing now.
hakilu's picture

Can someone help me?

Sorry, ill delete the post after you guys answer my question.... how do you post music AND a picture on the same post?

Who are yyou?? -Big Image Warning-

Flame has seen you a couple of times and is wondering who you are?

I'm on the right and the red arrow points to her/him.
Sonata's picture

wtf am I seeing


giggled like a mo' fo' though


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