Hello everyone. Well now that I've been in kind of a more relaxed mood, I wanted to introduce a new segment called Sushi for the Soul (it's a parody of Chicken Soup for the Soul). I will feature a variety of things in this series to make your day, whether it be simple musings, photos, music, and so on.
Entries with Ê next to it just means it was from an e-mail my family sent me that I wanted to share with you.
Zodiacs/Symbols and how insanely accurate they are!
What are your favorite products?
Bellingrath Gardens (October) **image heavy**
Bellingrath Gardens (March) **image heavy**
Deer visits cat daily (Ê)
Watch your doggie door! (Ê)
The beauty of nature (Ê)
Bon Jovi - We Weren't Born to Follow
Korpiklaani - Pellonpekko
How about instrumentals?
--News Articles--
The Mega Crystals of Naica Mine (Ê)
Chemical Pie Recipe
"If" by Rudyard Kipling
A forest of treasures
Track =)
This is really nice. Thank
Of course XD. I hope this
Added Korpiklaani's song "Pellonpekko", which is a lovely folk metal instrumental that really makes my day.
Looks like I'm going to have