
harini's picture


It's driama! I accedentley lost my password and the sending your password to you thing isn't working so im gonna be on this account for a little while! I just made it soooo... yeah!

The 'Endless' Book of Deer and Fawns.

I thought it would be cool if we listed as many adult deer and fawns as possible in one space, so we could find other deer we have met in-forest easier.
Rhamar nao k?'s picture

What do you think...

Read more...?
z.m123's picture

Time to tell the truth guys...

This may sound weird but Kiowa has existed in the forest waay longer than in the community
He has been in the forest for... Two years...
OokamiAzura's picture

I am about to say something both mean and factual.

I am going to make my point as painfully clear as possible.

Generally, in-Forest, I'm fairly friendly and laidback. I do understand, however, that I have a tendency to only really stick to those I'm close to. Understand that it's simply because I don't mix well with deer I don't know.

However, I am about to make a point painfully clear; I am in fact, extremely moody. It doesn't take much to set me off.

I'm usually good at keeping my temper bottled up, but as of 5 minutes ago, that changed pretty damn fast.

If you spell me, and I taunt at you? Don't fucking spell me. I don't want to spell spam with you, I don't want anymore spells. I should not be forced to Red pelt because someone can't get the message. When I taunt at you, telling you to "Go away, leave me alone," I goddamn mean it. I would never use an aggressive emote unless I was playing around with a close friend, or I was angry enough to do it at someone.

I'm sorry that this is coming off as harsh, but today has just gone through the shit fan, and I've had it.

EDIT: I'm beginning to realize something...

The deer is only shaking her head at ME. Deer is only spelling ME. Deer is sitting ON ME.

No one owns a set.

Grow the fuck up.
Halafax's picture

Excuse me...

Hello circled picto deer. You seem to want my deer to cast a pelt spell on you. However, when you have the mini deer spell, you cannot receive pelt spells.

This is how you get pelts on mini deer

Hope this helps!
Alecsander's picture

Attention skull deer staring at our group...

Keep staring and we're going to make you included Smiling

That goes for all 3 of you.

Fair warning.

One of you already had the good sense to run while you could still preserve your dignity and aloof badass status but the rest of you are fair game.

We will nuzzle to death.

I know I know..some pretty extreme measures.

But extreme situations call for extreme actions.

And we are X-TREME.

With an X even.

And we might even...DANCE.
Better watch out cause the love train is comin your way.

Flyra's picture

Fff ohmy, we won ESC

Sorry for spamming. Will probably delete this tomorrow

Anyhow. Charming Lena brought the Eurovision Song Contest winner title to our country tonight.
Yay? YAY.
And I still can't hear her song, "Satellite", enough.

Anyone here watching/caring for ESC? What do you think?
darkrexy's picture

The lonely night...

so here is another drawing from me today! i just having fun with the pen tablet XD ! its like a lonely skull thing ;D

Pretzil's picture


Character links and stuff..... Sooo yeaahhh....... x3



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