
Eris (bio and further happenings)

Cheerful, sociable, prone to loneliness. When it bares its teeth he finds solace in the embrace of his cage.


Eris is a fawn of small stature, hazy gray eyes and a small bend to the tips of his ears. He spends his mornings exploring the forest in search of playmates but oftentimes returns to his spot in the graveyard alone. He sleeps there, listening to the song of the forest most of his time, though his mind is easily diverted by company. His closest companion is his brother, Saater, from whom he's learning the ways of the forest. Their play sessions are his favourite activity and meeting other deer through him is much simpler. He also loves bending his shape, into animals at De Drinkplaats or by sitting inside of things he can find around the forest. He smells of dry grass, dirt and wildflowers.

As a human he was weak and frail but those ailments did not haunt him into this life. His fear of abandonment and fire remain, though he does not know where they stem from. At least the magic candles some deer brandish don't register as a threat anymore.

human form

Satruna - Wandering through a strange new land towards hope...

Hail, fellow deer!

My name is Satruna (Taylor). I'm an ecocentric writer, naturalist and artist from the UK. I recently discovered The Endless Forest and have swiftly fallen in love, though I haven't played much yet. If interested, I created a video on my YouTube channel Thitherword, which captures my first experiences in the game:

I'm looking forward to learning more about this wondrous world and meeting new people. Indeed, I've not felt so enthusiastic about an online game since I entered Azeroth (World of Warcraft) in 2006, when I was only thirteen. Though I don't play anymore, the time I spent as a Night Elf shaped my life so completely that I eventually went on to write about these changes for the ecocentric journal The Ecological Citizen, of which I'm now a part. I have even made the other editors of the journal aware of TEF. From what I've read and played of TEF, I have great respect for the developers' ethos of wonder, mystery, silence and adventure.

My deer shares his name with an enigmatic being who takes the shape of a deer in my fantasy world-building project.

About me:

Skye (White Fire)

your virtual friends. [hub]

perhaps this will have fancy formatting one day. for now it does not.


Saater's bio

Male, adult, very kind, sometimes playful like a child, sometimes sad and unsociable. Favorite place in the forest is the cemetery. Sleeps in the grave. Talks to the dead. Gets nervous when someone jumps on tombstones. Quite religious.

@ Fernelescent

I was inspired to create the character by the book "All Quiet on the Western Front". In human life, Saater was a very young boy. He was cheerful, friendly, kind, loyal and gentle. A little cowardly, but fearless in decisive moments. He wasn't aggressive at all. But he had to fight. In the war (not WW1, in our world there was no such war at all) all his comrades were killed. A bomb fell on his parents' house. Then death came for him. Before he died, Saater got tangled in the barbed wire, and hung on it for a very long time, wounded. He felt like a deer with its antlers tangled in a tree. When he woke up in the forest, he had no memory of what had happened to him in his human life. But his longing and sense of loss stayed with him. That is why Saater is often sad over unmarked graves and sleeps in a hole in the cemetery. The endless forest heals his soul. He loves jumping in the meadows with lilac flowers and butterflies, enjoys the serenity and sunlight and happily plays with kind deer and fawns, though melancholy and fatalism always nestle in his soul. Saater often walks alone. So he looks gothic. Saater loves to cuddle and hates any kind of fighting, but he can fight well. Especially when someone hurts his friends.

Who is Fey Brother? A note from his creator

When it comes to Theodor-Phillip, it's important to separate what he *thinks* he is and what is actually going on.

He sees himself as this "Forest Merry Spirit", an eternal entity that possesses body after body and needs physical form as a vessel.
This is only a response to traumatic events he witnessed as a fawn. Many fawns lose their mothers at a young age, and Theo wasn't an exception. The picture of a dead doe he beloved shocked the guy, but he was still too little to proceed those feelings.
He just kinda... moved on. Surviving was his top priority, and slowly but surely the grief was supressed. That's when the whole Forest Spirit thing started.
Instead of considering himself an orphan on his own, Theo decided to be optimistic and say he's a child of the Forest. That is also the reason why he sees Forest as a female. Being her ambassador gives Brother Theo a meaning in life, which he otherwise would've lost long time ago. "What do you do if you *don't* make everyone happy all the time", right?
Of course he does not possess multiple bodies: it's just a dissosiation from fatigue he gets from time to time (it's not easy dancing that much!). He might even realize that. But what harm does that little play pretend make? So what if it's not real -- it sooths him and then he does good deeds to others.

In the end does ot really matter if you're a Forest Spirit or just some random deer?

Behold, I am Pilgor The Chaos Harbinger!

I don't remember how I woke up in this Forest, but I know for sure that before being a... pathetic fawn I was once the Mighty Chaos Harbinger! I remember residents screaming, running from me, from my antics. And I. Loved. It. I was The God (or... Goat?) they were afraid of - as they should.
Again, don't know what happened, but I'm not planning on becoming some ordinary deer with a face. Even if it has magic - back in my realm I had powers way more impressive than that! So get ready, The Endless Forest, Pilgor is on their way to destroy you!


NOTE:I saw some others making bios for their deer, so I decided to hop in! Pls bear in mind that this is largely a WIP, and may be messy or inaccurate at times ^^;

ARTEMISIA - The Cherub

Young Artemisia - Art by me / @corvusrattus

Toyhouse Picto

"Something on the other side / Something we will never find"


I can finally play on windows 11

After troubleshooting TEF on Windows 11...for like six hours (whoops)...the only set up that works at all was manually adding the app into the graphics settings and changing the preference to High Performance, combined with changing the Compatibility to run the game on Windows 7 and deselecting the screen resolution setting (though, I'm not sure if this affected much other than the doubling window display that kept occurring for me).

Windows Search Arrow System > Display > Graphics > [browse and add application] > select "ForestViewer" > Options: High Performance

Right-click Application Arrow Properties > Compatibility tab > 1) Compatibility Mode: Windows 7; and 2) Settings: deselect "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution"

Worked smooth as long as I didn't disconnect to the network while in-game, otherwise it would crash and refuse to open again. Had to uninstall and reinstall to fix this. Running older games on Windows 11 seemed to be a known issue within the forums so I added the instructions in case it helps anyone!

The only problem I have now is logging in to my old old old account— waiting fifteen minutes of "logging in" without any results! Guess that's my punishment for having a 12yo inactive account lol. In the meantime, exploring as a guest deer ain't so bad (I do still miss my og stags)
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