
Uruushou's picture


GingerNut's picture


Splinters's picture

The little {lagana} one.

Shiori's picture

we just go [ S h y l a ] in circles

...a doe
a ghost...


Great Argus pelt ~ Hands Mask ~ Key Antlers

Haunts the Birch Forest

[ WIP ]

MissButterflyCaught's picture

The New Sun Rises.

The New sun rises
'um behind my eyes
behind my eyes
The new sun rises
behind my eyes
behind my eyes
between my lives.
The New sun rises
behind my eyes.


Two Pictograms come in to fruition here. Neither are set in their sets or personalities, so please be aware.
z.m123's picture

The Broken Soul.

Skatmat's picture

Urho, reborn

Basic Info
Name: Urho
Gender: Bull
Age: Approx. 170 years
Species: Unknown, built as a moose
Measurements: Size number 5
Voice: Skull mask, does not speak
Pictogram: 1HZl5 or Ecj7
Diet: Omnivore

- Still and quiet, dislikes speech, never answers with words
- Friendly, he will come to those who are lonely or sad
- Enjoys helping smaller critters around, sitting on his back
- Loyal, will follow anyone to the end who is in need
- Loves taking baths in the pond, smells awful afterwards
- Only fights if needed be, for protection and defense

In-game set: Brown real-deer/Brown +cream belly pelt, Kirin/ram antlers, Skull mask.
A Body of a moose, tail that of a troll, mane and skull those of a horse, tongue of a serpent, and beard and horns of a goat. In wintertimes the fur grows thicker and darker, almost black. In summertimes he sheds the thick, blackish fur and a smooth, milkchocolate colored pelt covers the muscular beast. No eyesight (having no eyes) but elevated hearing and smelling, and he mooes from his deep throat. Has a scent of wet pine and mud, the forest after a rain.


parrotsnpineapple's picture

Jerara; Dreamtime Story

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