It's my part of art trade to Fledermaus. (Fledermaus is german and means bat, and "Fledermäuse" is the plural. I thought it would be a funny title. ^^)
Urrgh. Not sure with this. It took me longer than I thought but it's not really good. I tried everything with his eye and mouth, but it's still horrible. Maybe I'll do it better...
To the picto: It's meant as an... "flying track" of the bats. The bat above flew in a zigzag and the other one in a circle. *rofl* Dunno why I did it. I just had the feeling to hide the picto somehow somewhere in the picture. *lulz*
@Fledermaus: I've done a sketch of Masque too, but I did it before you changed his antlers and he still has the magpie antlers... and I'm too lazy now to color it. ^^ But if you want, I can show you it anyways...