Let's just start with Auge.
I'm quite the addict to self-close ups XD! I could learn you, just ask if you want to know and I'll send an email <3 I love seeing my deer up close, and it gives some giggles.
I got some more though! Auge's daughter, Poltergeist, is my favourite close-up subject!
"Look dad a biiiiiird~"
"Does I get a kiss from my little girl?"
"Dad ew gtfo."
"Where'd she go?"
And the last one, is from today <3 Fawnfun!
I can't really think of something for them to say ;_;"".... But it looks like one has hope, and the other only feels sadness. YAAAY CHRISTMASTHOUGHHTSS
Allright I'll stop bothering you and I'll stop pushing art down that deserves comments XDD