Spurned {Malicious and the Empty Child}

Whyss's picture
The dark doe leaned over the bridge's side, gazing down at her reflection in the Idol's stream. The snow had ceased falling, for a time, and a few poppies stood out blood-red against their white background. She was quite alone - only the noisy bawl of other deer in the forest reminded her she was not utterly by herself in the whole forest.

Malicious lifted her eyes from her shimmering image and gazed across the pond, where three stags were sporting in the shallows. A sly, quick smile flitted across her face, and she traipsed daintily off the bridge, headed towards the shallows, nothing in mind other than the three handsome, mighty creatures who, she was sure, would be only too glad to offer her-


The fawn stood directly in her path, his face covered by a strange, black, leather contraption. He stared, and she tried to meet his gaze defiantly, but she could see nothing beyond the black circles of the mask's eyes.

"Are you my mummy?"

She lifted her lip in surprise and a little disgust. What kind of fawn was this, just staring at her, and what was that strange mask on his-

"Are you my mummy?"

She snorted. Another of that type. "Look, kid." She snapped. "I'm not your mother, in fact right now what I am is Very Busy, and so I'm going to just let you wander off to go find some deadbrain doe who didn't have enough love as a child and would be perfectly willing to-"


Malicious went quiet. She stared, disbelieving, at the fawn, as it took three slow steps towards her.

"Are you my mummy?"

The huge, black, ringed eyes of the mask stared straight ahead - unseeing, it seemed. Blank. Empty. The child did not fidget, as most all fawns she had ever seen were apt to do, and it did not chatter away at high speeds. It just stood there.

Watching her.

"Are you my mummy?"

"Look, kid..."

"I want my mummy, please, please, mummy..."

It came a few more steps forward, quicker this time, desperation tinging the muffled voice.

"Mummy, please..."

Closer. Inches away. It stretched that hideous mask forward, leaning into her, attempting a nuzzle. The cold leather touched her chest, pressed into her fur, and-


She hadn't even realized she had struck out. The fawn staggered backward, uninjured for the most part, the leather mask having taken most of the blow. It recovered, but still swayed a little, tilting its head questioningly at her.

Malicious felt her heart racing. Why... What on earth had made her... What was this child?

"Go away." She whispered, recognizing it instantly as a harsh, unfeeling demand. No, not a demand. A plead. Animal fear tinted her voice, made it high and trembling. "Go away."


The creature came forward again. She couldn't think of it as a fawn, not anymore.


"No, go away!"

"Mummy... Mummy, I love you..."

With a strangled, terrified sob she turned tail, kicked up her heels, and fled into the birch forest.

The fawn stood there for a moment, still swaying slightly, staring after her. It took a step, then two, then paused. The big fawn ears swiveled like radar dishes towards the sound of deer at the pond.

The masked head slowly turned. The huge, round eyes settled on the three stags, still furiously kicking up the pondwater. Synapses fired, and the fawn pivoted, focused squarely on the three.

And slowly, coldly, determinedly, the fawn crept towards the stags.




I would give anything to be able to write real horror. BC

Malicious and the Empty Child. My two side characters. Whyss is still my baby, and Garzim my big boy, but I find myself growing more attached to these two as well.

Pffft, who am I to choose favorites.

D: Poor Malicious, poor Empty

D: Poor Malicious, poor Empty Child!

You has a great writing style. 8D *noms on popcorn, waiting for more*

Woa... I love this, love

I love this, love this, love this!




did I mention I love this?

I saw your concepts for the empty child already, and oh gues what? I love them.
Yeha but for some reasons I wasn't able to coment at that time. I guess I was busy and forget it afterwards ,o, sorry for that.
However; I just wanted to bury you with mylove, ^^

(repeating the word 'love' constantly makes you sound like a retard, noar?)

Wow, I loved reading this, I

Wow, I loved reading this, I couldn't take my eyes off it. I went to read it twice because it's so awesome.
I need your writing skills! D:
Kiraki's picture

Brilliant read

Brilliant read <3
Whyss's picture

@Forsaken - As wicked as

@Forsaken - As wicked as Malicious is, I totally felt for her while writing this. xD And I can't help but wince when I imagine her smacking poor Empty Child in the head D: I really love my characters too much xD

@AliceV - it's perfectly okay to love something that much 8D lololol and I'm glad you like Empty Child, I was worried he might not have enough personality to make it as a character, but I'm finding lots of subtle little emotions and nuances of him c: -buredinlove-

@Pinkpaws - Thanks so much! ...You read it TWICE? 8'D -honored-

@Kiraki - Thanks for reading! c8
ocean's picture

Very awesome.

Very awesome. <3
Whyss's picture

Thanks! c:

Thanks! c:
OokamiAzura's picture

Oh god...I wanna hug that

Oh god...I wanna hug that child so bad...*Hugs* ;_;

Very nice writing ~ <3
Whyss's picture

D: I know right-?! Thanks

D: I know right-?!

Thanks c'B




Whyss's picture

Well seeing as how Mal has

Well seeing as how Mal has fallen asleep.



Whyss's picture

Only in-game it has a

Only in-game it has a squiggly line through the top straight line.

That and he's the only fawn I know that never runs. 8'D