The Spontaneous Fanart
( read more )
- What?
- The project's goal is to draw random fanart for a TEFc user. Every chosen one will receive a digital piece of a deer chosen by me.
- When?
- The project will start today, and will go throughout the summer; My goal is to do at least 20 pieces.
- Why?
- I need to improve my skills and techniques, and this project will be some good practise. Also, everone deserves a little fanart. 
- Who?
- A user from the Online users list will be randomly chosen each day.
20 pieces. -whistles- I can't
Maow. Good Luck.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
It's a very fine idea; I
Good luck!
Click for Updates and Bio's
Cool and ambitious idea!
Awesome idea ^^ Can't wait
Can't wait to see the results :3
Hmn, nice idea~
I want participe to that <3
But if we don't do few deers, is it bad ? XD
*Yes, I don't have much of time in this moment...*
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Wonderful idea!
Interesting. : )
I support this idea. *wills
*wills Username to show on the list*
Signature/avatar are WIP.
Tracking this~
hey witcher good to see you
good to see you here again
good luck with the project
i cant wait to see more from you ive missed you buddy 3
yea, this is trackable. VERY
<3 good luck with this
oops, i hit reply to the wrong person, oh well XD
Aww, this is such a great
I've never got fan art
Nice idea btw!