the sounds of the forest

lately i've been turning my game on, finding a fairy circle, and just sleeping in a sunny patch. the sounds of The Forest are so calming, it's almost like sitting outdoors to relax. the whimsical ambient music is also very soothing, i kind of wish that TEF had a real "soundtrack" to listen to. even the different voices roaring the forest aren't disturbing or distracting but rather enhancing to the entire experience.

(and sometimes i wish that when it snows there would be snow on the ground but alas, i'm afraid that it would be a developmental problem that ToT just can't conquer right now. but someday. . . .)

The Forest has slowly been changing its face from a dark, foggy shroud to its more open, green self. I have noticed fewer and fewer swarms of bats - my tiny little friends - and the fog is dissipating, the candles are slowly disappearing and the God of Death is nowhere to be found.

After such a frenzy of activity The Forest seems like a worn-out host after a long party.
SentrySeb's picture

'Tis true. There was no one

'Tis true. There was no one near the BZD. o-o

And he was in an aweshum spot. I send mah luffs! <3~