Sophia's Breath

theano's picture
Upon the winds of Time
An old familiar song
She whispers many rhymes
And nature chimes along

Hidden by the Fathers
Protected from Chaos
She soothes that which bothers
And heals one from the loss

She speaks words of Wisdom
A sword of truth is she
She guides one to become
What one was meant to be

Pain matters not to her
Only the end result
Emotions are astir
So begins the tumult

As the life unravels
She sets a brand new course
With her mighty gavel
She is the driving force

From Her breath life abounds
Sophia points the path
Her child's new earth playground
Subsides the dark wrath

Rising from the wreakage
Is a beautiful mess
Knitted by Love's courage
Freed from shackled duress

Listen to her wind blow
Stand in her loving breath
Sophia forms the flow
And there is no more Death

I can't understand why this

I can't understand why this hasn't recieved praise. Beautiful. ♥
theano's picture

Thanks but you know we just

Thanks but you know we just write to write when the muse blesses us. I do not know about you but when it happens I am just compelled to do it. I have no idea what will come out. It is a combination of my mood, events, people I meet and things I am reading. I was exploring India's fables which has much of their religious symbols and I was playing at the ruins. I always wonder about that mother figure statue outside the altar. I know about Sophia the female side of divinity--you hardly find any literature, sculpture or paintings about her and her wisdom. When you ask it is like a wall out there. I finally found in some obscure religious history site that early on Sophia churches or groups were plentiful and as always some powerful priest did not like it. They literally all sanctuaries, priestess were obliterated thoroughly plus the followers and nothing even was left to pass on to anyone but fragments. From what I can find it was legitimate stuff. There is one beautiful church left now occupied by Islam near Russia I believe of Sophia and that is the only art we have because of the mosaics on her walls. It was orthodox. Only one because of someone's whim. It made me angry that this continual rampage against female aspect of divinity in western religion and that it was taken away so early. I believe it survived in the church through the honoring of the virgin Mary but still and I sense her presence in the sculptures of justice is blind as well. Long explanation to get at--I feel compelled to create some forms of art that let people know of Sophia hence the poem and probably some other things. It was one of those times one has that you feel the words are coming from somewhere else and it is being dictated to you to give it life and form. I think in art and in religion there needs to be a talk and revival of idea of Sophia. The recent success of "The Shack" book has a great portrayal of Sophia as judge and questioner and revealer of truth. THis one I believe I am going to tweak and submit for publishing or at least try. Round and round in my artist brain I keep asking all these questions --What does Sophia look like? How do you feel when you look in her eyes?
I know she was not a "bitch" but was she motherly, courtly--what aspect of feminity was she. Despite her beauty--which she was--why did her sense of fairness and judgement leave more of an impression than her beauty. Beauty would not have gotten her obliterated, but having a sharp keen sense of the truth would have and especially because it was feminine. Why did not the natural truth seekers or rebels thrust her repeatedly in the status quo's face? Where did it transform to because this type of thing never goes away but usually transforms? Or was she so ingrained that even obliterating her simply spread pieces of her intelligience, her philosophy, her look throughout out art and word and song. Is she the smile of the Mona Lisa at the Lourve which is on my bucket list to go see before I pass? Is she the sweet mother whose child is chronically ill or murdered that transforms into the crusader for justice and though she could not save her child she makes it hard for anyone else's child to be hurt in that way? It is haunting me so the creative spark has started and where it will flame or pour out I do not know--I know it needs to be brought forth--it is time in Western culture to revist that. Eastern culture forms of Sophia are apparent and honored. Smiling More than you wanted but like I said it is becoming a stream of consciousness that I cannot shut out--i feel and i hear it coming like the sound of rushing water of an impending flood.