sometimes I wish...

Alecsander's picture
I had the talent of drawing so I could be more included in the community.

Everything is all drawdrawdrawdraw omg that drawing is so good i can't believe you did that, ooh i like how you did the horns, wow that looks just like him, i love how you draw faces, here's the other part of the art trade, thanks i love it! look I edited a screenshot to look like me deer! wow I made a peacock into my deer! lol that's so cool! Heres the art for the contest! Sorry I was late with my drawing for the art attack! Let's do an art swap where everyone who can draw draws the person above them's deer YAAAY! HEY I'M NEW AND I DREW A PIC OF MY FUTURE DEER! OMG SO CUTE I LOVE NEW MEMBERS NICE ART! etc.etc.

and Then there is those of us who can't draw going:

"Um..I wrote a poem"
'hey i like how you used this rhyme'.

"I took a funny screenshot!"
'yeah..that's kinda funny'.

"My deer did this today".
-insert comments only from people who saw that deer or friends of poster-

"Who wants to join my role-play? :D"
'-same 2-10 people express a little interest every time'- or '-completely ignored-'

or worse:
"Hey I worked really hard on this bio for my deer and they have a really deep background story I hope everyone will enjoy reading~!"
'OMG WHY IS THIS DEER ACTING WEIRD!? -posts screenshot of above member's deer'
"well its in their story, if you read they sometimes talk to flo-"
"Yeah. it does stuff like that all the time. You can read more in its bio/dia-"
'Oh. -can't be buggered-'

-about a week later-
"Um..yeah that's still my deer. If you rea-"
"OH OKAY! -ignores again-"

More love for non-artist members please?

We have many wonderful writers, poets, screen shot takers, musicians, sewers,role players,just plain damn nice members etc. who do not seem to get the pat on the back as much as their artsy companions.

Hug a writer. Pat the back of a poet. Comment on a nice user's journal entry and wish them a good holiday. Plan a user-run event that everyone can participate in.
Join a role-play that is not getting much attention. (Even if you're not good or busy to make a reply every day! people are understanding! Don't know how? make a blog and we'll help you learn!)

Nurture the ideas/character development of a fellow deer. In fact, read up on the background of the different characters of deer and ask questions. Everyone loves to see that their character is interesting to others and noteworthy. Taking an active interest in someone's character both arms you with knowledge about their behavior in forest AND flatters the creator. You could find out there is a deer out there that is compatible enough to be your deer's best friend with a bit of looking. Smiling

Are you an artist? How about gifting art to an unsuspecting member whose deer biographies lay empty because they cannot decorate it them self?

In the same manner, if you CAN write, why not make a poem about someone else's deer or a story that involves their deer? Just because you can't give them a pretty picture it doesn't mean you cannot make them feel good and give a gift. Even if you aren't the next Shakespeare or Twain you can cheer someone up and give them some nice content to link to on their biographies.

Oh deer, I've become so long winded again. I suppose it can be shortened to:
Encourage all members of the community and praise them for the talents they have.

Comments/recognition are not everything, but they can bring a smile to the face of someone having a bad day and remind them why that posted content made them happy in the first place.
Grape's picture

I feel the same way. I would

I feel the same way. I would love to gift others with my writing, but I don't really know anybody enough. It is like that in any community, though. You don't draw, you always get the blunt end of the stick.

'Tis life.


Verycrazygirl's picture

Shall try!

Shall try! Laughing out loud

Oohh, I remember.. dear L

Oohh, I remember.. dear L bringing this up before..
I think it's easy to say that some people have the attention span of a peanut(myself included, but I can be bothered to read&hearts) and art is a very direct attention-grabber. Some members are also quite young(no offense) and may be bored with a wall of text back-story.. or creative writing.

I wish I had a solution to suggest, but I've got nothing.. apart from my favorite philosophy when it comes to creating anything- write, draw, compose for yourself and you'll get the most fulfillment from it.
But I also second what you've said- there should be more varied praise throughout the community.. but in the end, it's not about getting noticed.. *ramble*

{Click to view Nine's bio}
Alecsander's picture

@Grape- Oh you don't really

@Grape- Oh you don't really have to know them. I use Finata as a medium to write about other members of the community (hes pretty much perma-fawned at this point since I don't think I'll be able to cover as many other people in just a month. I'm thinking 5-6 months until I let him 'grow up'). I've even written about your deer using him. Smiling

@Nine- I agree, it should be posted to make YOU happy. I just got spurred into writing this because my cousin (Pictodeer) came home crying today due to bullying at school. When she signed on she saw that another user had commented on one of her screen shots and she felt immensely better because of it and cheered up almost immediately. Frankly I want to see that happening more often. Smiling

Because reading obviously

Because reading obviously takes too much effort for most people.
Grape's picture

Oh ha ha. Yes, I write about

Oh ha ha. Yes, I write about other deer in my stories of deer, such as Reed in one of Imitate's stories. But what I mean is GIFT writing, say of just that other person character. I'm not good at that at all xD

EDIT: Also, I don't comment a lot. I read practically everything and view everything I catch, but I just don't comment. I dunno, I'm weird. Maybe I should start commenting to make everybody get the warm fuzzies and show my luff <3
KittyCatKita's picture


I post a couple of pictures ya, but they get ignored. And then I go write a good long story and make Keiran's bio all beautiful and stuff and no one even comments to say cool <3 I love this idea
*trots off to party with a writer*

EDIT: ok some people commented but usually its my friends or people it has to do with and I send it to them
Alecsander's picture

@ Grape(again, hi fancy

@ Grape(again, hi fancy meeting you here Eye )-I do the same thing. I'm actually pushing myself to comment everything I think when I see someone has made an entry that I read instead of doing that "hm maybe I should that sounds stupid..-deletes-" routine.

Because frankly I don't believe anyone will point out that I sound silly or go 'omg why did you waste time posting 'good job' that sounds dumb go outside' or something similar since the community seems a bit nicer than the ones I am use to.

@Lustful/VCG- Good to hear. Smiling lol sorry I skipped on early post, my eyes went to the big long replies by nine/grape so I gave the shout out here. -waves-

@Terabetha- /sigh That does seem to be the problem doesn't it? I see it picking up better in the summer when no one has 'anything better to do'. Sticking out tongue

@Kita- I know. We seem to stick together commenting on each other's stuff. It's really good to get comments from your friends, but better when it's strangers because then you have the chance to make a NEW friend. Smiling
Grape's picture

I think every post I'm about

I think every post I'm about to make is stupid. I have trouble even posting this. Must be my shy nature. I SHALL PUSH MYSELF TO ATTEMPT COMMENT ON EVERYTHING INSTEAD OF CLICKING THE BACK ARROW!
Alecsander's picture

The language barrier can't

The language barrier can't make it too easy to post either.
Frankly I sit and check my english like 4-5 times before I post anything to make sure I didn't use the wrong sentence structure. :x I'm really, really bad about it.

I agree wholeheartedly in

I agree wholeheartedly in this.

Of course, there are those who do not speak the common English language as well as some, and though it can be a barrier, they can express themselves through art. And, of course, Nine pointe dout that a picture is an immediate capture- but as far as I am concerned, a diary, or a poem, or a picture, or a Biography- they are all of equal interest to me.

I love to read, and love to see pictures, love to draw and write myself. Some people don't enjoy seeing that heavy script, and I understand that- but it all really depends on who the person is.

And LAWL I do love me a good screenshot blog :3 Especially with captions! I read them and re-read them at least twice after seeing it X3

In any case, I'm glad to hear Pictodeer cheered up after bullying- it can be hard at school, and the whole point of this community is to be a family and help one another <3 It's pretty cool to hear how one person's comment can change things.

-has been rabmling randomly-

In anycase, although art doesn't mean everything, I do know what you mean- those who draw/write etc get all the specialty treatment and many are left wallowing in their leftover fame. It would be nice to have people appreciate everyone ;3
Alecsander's picture

I agree. Sometimes I wish

I agree. Sometimes I wish more 'non-tef' related talents would come forward. I know someone may not be able to do anything 'deer related' for the life of them, but maybe they're a great musician or singer and no one knows because they feel like they can't post it here.
Fever's picture

I gotta say, you took the

I gotta say, you took the words out of my mouth. I've noticed that getting any sort of praise, gifts, friends, anything in this community seems to be solely based around if they can draw well or not. The step below that is if they can write well or not. But of course with all this hate going around, I'm uncertain about voicing my concerns because they usually get attacked or the blame befalls all on me for not doing something a certain way to get the attention or friendships I'm looking for. I've posted art - the last few pieces got a few comments that seemed to want to say they looked awful/weird, but didn't want to be openly mean. I took those down very quickly - I've written a lot, which usually does get ignored. I've opened RPG blogs, which a few people said they'd join later and never did. I've posted my MSN several times to encourage people to talk to me, and people DID add me... but they never spoke to me. Some even seemed to ignore me when I messaged them.

I stopped commenting on art altogether because it's the same deer/same people being drawn over and over and over... I RARELY see fanart of deer that I don't know. Everyone has been so... clique-ish lately about who they want to interact with, it gets me so frustrated. And to be honest, if I up and left today without a word, no one would notice or care (not saying I am leaving, this is hypothetical).

But it's a lot harder for people to change their ways just from a blog... But I do commend you for having the courage to step up and say this. -Slinks back into a dark corner- Sorry for ranting...
Alecsander's picture

Ranting is very welcome and

Ranting is very welcome and fine in my book. This was mostly posted as a reminder to myself as to how I want to change my own behavior. I normally would just write myself a private note, but I felt that by the end it was good enough to post up and see if anyone else took anything from it.

Do you have my MSN? If I am signed in I quite regularly talk to anyone who is on (provided they're not away) regardless of how 'well' i know them or not in the community.

Frankly I don't care if I get 'hated on' because of posting this. First of all the person would have to be having problems to get so offended by a blog that says 'hey spread the love!' and whats the worse they can do? say I suck at writing and be mean to my deer in the forest? Sticking out tongue
Fever's picture

From what I've seen from

From what I've seen from other blogs/my blogs similar to this one, it's 'my fault' for not acting first in everything. But then if everyone takes this philosophy, then no one is going to 'act first'. Which solves nothing. I dunno, I'm just so use to people telling me it's my fault people react a certain way to me. My MSN is:

Hmm I thought about this

Hmm I thought about this yesterday when i went to bed...

it is just a small suggestion... dunno if it is good or not...

what about random features on the coummunity- page?
A post like
"XYZ is reading..." and then the posting member just features fieve or so different works he likes out of the category writing... allways with some words of what he thinks about it or he (or she to be political correct xD) likes

hmm it is not really like seeds writer of the week.. it would be a little smaller..

dunno.. was just... some.. lame idea .__.''

ps: keyboard eats letters >__<
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Righthiho, please do a

Righthiho, please do a drawing and let us see it if u need to make any changes i'm sure the community can offer help and constructive crits to gide you. So don't feel down just keep tyring .
Flyra's picture

I wish that too. ,_, Well

I wish that too. ,_, Well said. x3
I wish my art was noticed by more people too. I started drawing through TEF, and I know I'm still failing at it. Sometimes I feel too ashamed for posting it, and the very few comments I usually get aren't much encouraging. (It's not always like that, though. <3) And the last time I did a random fanart, the member left TEF just at the next day.
(Nothing against shim, I am damned sad to see her go, even a little too sad, but I feel a little fooled as well.)
I love all of you, I love all your art, writings and screenshots. I remember when I joined here, I used to post a comment to 1/2 of every picture I saw, ehee. Now I don't do that anymore, but I think I'll try changing my "commenting behavior" into "writing specified" now. Because myself has a writer's block since 1 1/2 year or such, I really need my muse to wake up again. 8/ Maybe you guys could even help me with that!
So, afterall, huzzah for the community, and thank you for this blog. <3
f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
reoplusone's picture

Agreed 100%! "Hey, want a

Agreed 100%!

"Hey, want a giftfic?"
"... No, not really..."

"Hey, want some giftart?"

I don't know what it is... I began drawing for a lover, but I was planning on quitting. The only reason I continued was to be included in communities because, let's face it, artists get all the attention. I'm still a sucky artist, I assume because I don't put my heart into it.

-Pats you- There~
Serenai's picture

(No subject)


I have some trouble concentrating on reading long bits...but I do really try to give each equal attention. I really do.

I believe it was you who requested perhaps that someone draw one of your deer for its biography, if they so desired. (Though I'm reading through all of your entries, and don't see such a perhaps I am mistaken.) I haven't forgotten that. It's on my list. C: It may take months, but I remember! I didn't want to tell you and get your hopes up. XD ...too late. Unless it's not you. XDDDDD

In short, I agree. <333 :3

By the way, I like your writing, and your papercrafts are gorgeous. :3
Icon Art © Beloved
Alecsander's picture

Alicev- I quite like the idea

Alicev- I quite like the idea of different members putting forth writings/art/poetry/screenshots that they liked.
Maybe an occasional 'advertisement' bio if you really liked something?
I quite like the idea and may do it in the future.

Flyra- I'm sure all of the wonderful writers around here can stimulate your muse. I, personally, just took up poetry again after a few poems here inspired me.

reoplusone- Laughing so hard. It's true!
Everyone gets googly eye'd over gift art but you offer words and you get blank stares.
I combat it with tiny poems. Sticking out tongue

Serenai- That would be Dhina's bio. It's in very small font under 'apperance' since I didn't want to sound all "GIMMEGIMMENEEDTOFEELFULFILLED"
I made her bio purposefully text heavy and played around with positioning.
I figure art wouldn't necessarily improve it in my eyes, but it's nice for a visual reference for the short attention spanned. Smiling

Don't worry about time.
Considering I take requests for paper crafts that take months to years to complete...
well there really is no such thing as a 'time frame' in my world.
Rushing things that take time only causes mediocrity.
ocean's picture

*pops in* Short

*pops in*
Short attention-
*runs after butterfly*
Alecsander's picture


ocean's picture

*confused look* What was I

*confused look*
What was I catching?
Alecsander's picture

I could tell you..but then

I could tell you..but then I'd have to kill you.

ocean's picture

Tell me what now? Ooh,

Tell me what now?
Ooh, butterfly!
*runs after*
Serenai's picture

*Chuckles at the butterfly

*Chuckles at the butterfly catching.*

I understand. I'm sure all people love gift art, but don't want to sound greedy. :3 Now I know which to draw, though. That's nice. 8D ...I just have to catch up with all my others before I start.

Patience is beautiful. I agree with your thoughts wholeheartedly. I was about to say a m...m...

...what is that word? *Could just delete this when she finds the word, or not type at all, but what's to emphasize.*

M...METAPHOR. YES. THAT! Metaphor, that wouldn't have made any sense.

Her biography is anything but text heavy. I mean, have you seen how obnoxiously long Atvana's is? It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and...

I'm trying to make it less overbearing (You saw the new deer, the also forest spirit that made me smile? Its biography was beautiful. So short. So concise. I'd love to shorten up Atvana's to a readable length... ) to new eyes. o_o It's difficult. And, God spare me, I'm adding more when I get the drawings finished... ._.

Icon Art © Beloved
MyuNoUta's picture

Eh, I've pretty much gotten

Eh, I've pretty much gotten used to what goes on as far as comments and the like on anything I post; and to be honest, I'm not asking for any more attention than what I've gotten; it makes me feel greedy =/
Myu's Bio



But I'm bumping anyway ♥
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
eyestrain's picture

I try to avoid writing on

I try to avoid writing on this forum and I try to avoid a lot of reading, as well. It is nothing personal against any other user.
Only, the special thing about this 'game' is the anonymity and the wordless communication.
If people do not understand things about my deer the way I play him in forest, perhaps he doesn't have those qualities. I am most interested in how other deer act in the forest, not back stories or qualities that would have to be written to be understood.

I would avoid the forums entirely, but I enjoy sharing what I create with others who know what it is.

It is not the way most other users here play. But it is the way that is most meaningful to me.

That is why I try to avoid words when I can.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.