I recently came across TEF and what can I say other than, it's unique and I'm some how addicted?
I'm on 3.4 and it's going good so far (except for an annoying error pop up, that I get every time I load TEF.
It works fine, so I really don't care). Hopefully I'll learn more about the game as I play, and I hope to meet
some of you in the process! <3
Hay! C: I'm Dannii, nice to
It is surprisingly addictive.
Welcome to the Forest.
Waoh! 2 years!?!? O-e" Hi
Hi I'm Sevy!
Nice to meet you! Welcome TEF! Unlike the old timer (lol jk) I've only been on here a couple of days! So If you need help and have any questions I'll show you what I've learned so far! xD
Thanks for the welcome!
Pegasicorn: Wow 2 years! TEF must be that addicting!
Sevy: Thanks! I'm good so far, but I'll let you know for sure if I need any help!
Hello fellow new person.
Welcome to the forest! Hopefully our fawns can meet up and play sometimes~
Hallo there (: ♥
Welcome to the forest!
Hello and welcome!
Welcome! : D
Hi and welcome 8D I've been
I've been around, a little over two years here too ^.^
Hi, Welcome to The Endless
Welcome to the forest~
Welcome! If you ever run
Yes,many nuzzles and hugs!
Signature/avatar are WIP.
A couple of people have been
Thanks for the welcome
here, in the forest and I'm happy to be among a nice community!
Hallo. (: &hearts
Hello and welcome ^^
Hello! *hakes hand*
Hello and welcome. ^^