So many screenies this blog will blow up #2 [Clearly image heavy]

Kallonate's picture

Flower trio delivering flowers in the creepiest way ever.

"Yeah we're fine..."


Verve naps

Probably my favorite from this bunch.

Oh, hah, you got Greitai

Oh, hah, you got Greitai fighting Tigress and Pica in the 11th shot (between the ones with Tigress and Verve). These are pretty .u.
Tuo's picture

Virus tripping in the first

Virus tripping in the first one. Too much dope.

Ommgg, I saw two screenshots

Ommgg, I saw two screenshots of my tigress. All are beautiful. ♥
1Antidote's picture

These are all so very lovely.

These are all so very lovely. My favorite must be the one where Virus is drinking at the pond, totally loving the colors and atmosphere in that one. ouo
HB's picture

All very pretty. Love the one

All very pretty. Love the one with the sleeping nameless., so peaceful.
Starling's picture

Pretty! *-*

Pretty! *-*