{ Snippets }

Kumiko's picture

Quick Character References

K u m i k o
"Eternally Beautiful Child"
Demisexual (Prefer Male?)
Apox. 28 years old
Earthy, Clean Scent with a Hint of Agarwood Incense
Magpie Mask, Magpie Pelt, DotD Antlers
Biography (WIP)
- Currently Active -

Much like a leaf, Kumiko flows with the wind. She's a carefree spirit with a heart large enough for anyone and everyone. Her kindness sprouts from her heritage; she enjoys gathering large groups together and encourages harmony between everyone. However, she has a fierce loyalty to those who are closest to her.

Quick Facts

* Calm yet has a habit of being hyperactive
* More of a listener than a talker
* Knows very basic defensive techniques to use in she feels threatened

C y p h e r
Name Classified
Heterosexual (Monogamous)
Apox. 25 years old
Faint Cologne Scent
Orca Mask, Secretary Bird Pelt, and Default Antlers
Biography (Out Dated)
- Inactive -
Cypher is a difficult stag to understand. His mannerism are extremely "human" and his desire to continue to wear clothing has made him a bit of an outsider in a natural setting. Despite the unique knowledge he contains (ie: ability to read and "write"), he greatly lacks common sense. He has a habit of rushing into dangerous situations without any thought often resulting in him harming himself.

Quick Facts

* Typically a quiet individual but has a habit of saying the wrong things
* Very gentleman like
* Wears a fedora; has become a signature of who he is
* Aquaphobic and suffers some other disorders including amnesia

P a a v o
"Perfect Prince"
Heterosexual? (Polyamorous)
Early 20s
Semi-musky Scent
Hand Mask, Golden Pelt, and Great Antlers
Biography (Out Dated)
- Inactive -
Despite having royal blood, Paavo has thrown away his past in an attempt to live freely. He had always felt out of place among the aristocratic company he knew, but a series of unfortunate events has led him to become more lost than he ever was. He does not hesitate to step into fights for the excitement and cares little of himself. He once was a nomad searching for a place to call home, but he is now content with living in the moment - even if it is threatening.

Quick Facts

* Has a cello-shaped mark on his chest; it is his family's crest
* Hot tempered and somewhat cold
* Dislikes speaking about the events from his past

Possible Fourth Character
(Looking for input)
* Would be an elegant male
* Would have a secret garden that he'd show to his friends
* Kind-hearted but can be manipulative
* Would need volunteer characters to be his eyes and ears of the Forest
* Would be willing to help with any issue anyone had no matter how complicated...but at a price
quadraptor's picture

I may have to steal this idea

I may have to steal this idea from you, I really like the idea of summing up characters in about a paragraph or so. Who knows, I may throw together something like this for my characters too.

Your fourth character seems really intriguing. I'm wondering what sort of appearance you had in mind for him. The first thing that comes to mind for me is a white silk undershirt with a suave green vest, and spiky blonde hair. But that's just a random image I got from the description alone.
Emikomi's picture

Ooo I love the arrangement,

Ooo I love the arrangement, this is awesome.
Kumiko's picture

Quad, feel free to use it. If

Quad, feel free to use it. If you nee the coding let me know.

And for the 4th character...He is lightly inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo. His concept would call for a few volunteer characters that would act as his eyes and ears whenever I'm not on with the possibility of heavy RP. I'm a bit wary of making such a character since I'm not sure how easily I could get community members' involvement with getting a plot going from scratch. That and when my new job starts on the 19th, I'll only be available on weekends.
Waning-Sun's picture

I like this summing up idea.

I like this summing up idea.

I might have a character that would act as "eyes and ears" of the forest since he's a good little stalker, but...getting him to do it might be a problem.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie