The Slender Man (Currently; Hidden)

DouglasMorris's picture

He is known by many names.
The Tall One
Mr. Thin
The Operator
Big Brother
The Slender Man

For the sake of these notes, we'll refer to him simply as 'Slender Man'

(Shown above is an artist's representation of what she thinks Slender Man would look like as a deer. Credit; Matthieu. I'm shocked at how accurate this actually is.)

What it is

The Slender Man is, by no means, human. He is a terrible, horrifying entity that gains nothing but absolute satisfaction from slowly and painfully driving his victims to absolute insanity. Sometimes he may kill, though more often than not, he simply follows and stalks his victims.

He plays on the paranoia of the mind. Humans and deer alike are always terrified of the thought of being watched and followed. His presence is not only unnerving, but causes sickness and even death as well.

The Slender Man has absolutely no value whatsoever on human life. To him, creatures exist for his own sick amusement.

He also has an obsession with the use of fire. In several cases, he's used it as a warning to his victims.

His primary targets are children, and in this case, fawns. He'll seek them out, often approaching them directly so that he can kidnap them. However, in many cases, he has been known to play with children and show them kindness, portraying himself as a child-like... even a confused being.

That is not to say that he hasn't killed children either....

Maybe their deaths are accidental... or intentional. We'll never know.

I've observed that, to mark his victims, he uses a peculiar emblem.

It's Abilities

Being a supernatural being, The Slender Man has many curious... and often deadly attributes to him that he always utilizes.

His limbs have no definite length. They can stretch and envelop victims with a single flourish. Upon further inspection, I've noted that his antlers work in a similar fashion. They act as his arms, curling outwards to grip and handle objects.

Shape shifting is another commonly used ability of his. As you can see, he has adapted to the environment of the forest by changing himself to look much like a fellow deer to fool others.

Whenever he is near, some deer may experience coughing spells or bouts of sickness that come and goes as it pleases. Technology is interfered with and often malfunctions. If one meets The Slender Man, they may suffer a bout of memory loss for periods that can last even years.

He can also teleport from location to location, hence his sudden appearances and disappearances from time to time.

With teleportation, he can also allow himself to be seen to only a certain number of people. Because of this, children can often mistake him as an 'imaginary friend' that no one can see save for them.

Common Behavior

The Slender Man is a lurker. Depending on the victim, he usually stands a far distance off, watching and observing. If he is noticed and approached, he'll either teleport away or approach himself (if the victim happens to be a fawn)

If you are sleeping, he may walk up and sit in front of you to watch.

If you're bold enough to approach him yourself, expect to be grazed over with his collecting antlers. The gesture itself is not aggressive, but you're likely to become a victim if you let him do so.

As said before, he'll often play with fawns... only to abduct them to a new location.

Weaknesses and Aversions

There are many, many theories on how to 'defeat' The Slender Man, or at the very least, weaken him.

For one, it's been proven that he visibly slows down if he is being filmed. Not enough to really make a difference, considering that his long limbs and teleportation abilities can bypass it. However, this is still worth noting.

I've also noticed a reoccurring behavior that may also have some connection here. The Slender Man seems to avert from water, both in recorded videos and in the forest.

There is also the common belief that The Slender Man is weakest during the winter solstice.


The Tulpa Effect
The idea that The Slender Man exists by our own will. If we think of him, he appears. If we refrain from thinking of him, he disappears. He exists only because we make him exist. As plausible as this theory is, I still have qualms about it. Yes, I can think of The Slender Man, but when I turn around and expect him to be there, he is not.

The Core Theory
Based on several concepts coupled with The Tulpa Effect. Presents the idea that, yes, The Slender Man was created based on our beliefs. In this theory, various roles are given to unknown people in order to ultimately 'defeat' the 'monster'. The roles are, the Hero, the Guardian and the Warrior. Each role has its own specific task to complete. The monster resides on another plane of existence, and it's the Hero's job, with the assistance of the other two roles, to defeat the monster... losing his/her own life in the process. I don't know if such an idea can apply to The Slender Man himself, but we can always hope.


I didn't find much, but I found evidence that The Slender Man may have originated from Germany with the original name of 'Der Ritter'. Little else is known. All I found otherwise was records of unusual disappearances of children.



A fawn. Will likely be followed and interacted with for several years to come.

-The Twin Deer-
Names are unknown as of now. For now, he seems to think of them more as fawns than adults. This will likely change

Took interest in her for unknown reasons. Was charged by her.


-The Masked Man-
Originally an actor for an ameturish student project. The Masked Man is considered to be The Slender Man's closest real 'follower'. He is extremely aggressive, often appearing out of nowhere to attack others (possible through The Slender Man's orders?). As of now, there is no sign of him in this particular area. Still, it would be best to keep an eye out just in case.

An odd doe that has caught The Slender Man's attention. She knows how deadly he is, yet continues to insist on his company. The Slender Man does not quite have 'friends'... but this doe might well possibly be an exception to that rule.
Unless, of course, he gets bored of her.

((I'd like to thank Mr. Victor Surge and Mr. Jay for publishing essential information that I can pass on to you for your own benefit))

Be careful

He's watching you

art00r's picture

so interesting, tracking

so interesting, tracking

(No subject)

Uruushou's picture

^ Thanks for the nightmare

^ Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Nykal! *curls up in a ball, crying*
DouglasMorris's picture

... Pay no attention,

Pay no attention, everyone... it's probably nothing more than a prank.

Why would I not follow my

Why would I not follow my Master?
Uruushou's picture

...oh my god. Please tell me

...oh my god.

Please tell me that that isn't the masked man from The Poughkeepsie Tapes... If so, I'll be scared of the Forest way more than I should be. DX
DouglasMorris's picture

Because you are nothing more

Because you are nothing more than an easily manipulated boy.
That is, if you are who I think you are.

Uruushoua; I doubt it. Calm yourself. The Masked Man, to me, is far too animalistic to be able to bother in communicating in words.
Skitties's picture



Signature by Roo ♥

Uruu! Hold me! *hides

Uruu! Hold me! *hides behind*

I've been to afraid to watch all of the videos. I'm not sure about who the Masked Man is, but he's got me scared already.
Uruushou's picture

*clings to Ryff,

*clings to Ryff, whimpering*

Gah...I have a sick desire to rewatch the Marble Hornets series, but it's night time. No way I'm watching that stuff again at night! DX I am not sure who he is supposed to be either, but either way he freaks me out. I had a flashback to The Poughkeepsie Tapes, yet another thing I wish I hadn't seen. Gah, the Forest be gettin' creepy~
DouglasMorris's picture

Allow me to

Allow me to elaborate...

While I did skim over The Masked Man in my above notes, you must realize that he's just a normal human being.

Corrupted? Yes. Violent? Yes.

However, this does not change the fact that, no matter how corrupted he may be, he is still a child. His name was Tim, and he too was a victim of The Slender Man, becoming so engulfed in his influence that he become his most treasured servant.

It is The Masked Man who does all of The Slender Man's dirty work.

However, unlike The Slender Man, he can be changed.

At least I think he can be...
Uruushou's picture

Ooh, a servant of the Slender

Ooh, a servant of the Slender Man...interesting! I quite like this concept, as creepy as it may be. c:

I feel him watching me at

I feel him watching me at this very moment, where I sit in the back of my house.

It is ever-present, it is terrifying.

The more I deny his existence, the more I want to look over my shoulder.

I'm a skeptical human being- but when it comes to the far extremes of the mind, where hellhounds may lurk and fate is just waiting to cut the thread of your life away... I cannot pretend to be brave.

Although I have a dark and masochistic yearning for Pandora to meet his form in-forest, I myself will continue to stare at this screen, and pray that for whatever reason, he finds someone else to stare at through the window.
DouglasMorris's picture

Many think that they're

Many think that they're invincible to such things.

You and I are the wise ones. Those who understand that they cannot combat the paranormal are the ones whom, while the most cynical, are also the most likely to survive.

How old are you? Eighteen? Twenty-two? Whatever the case, it's not likely that The Slender Man will stalk you now.

All of his older victims were once children. It is rare that he finds interest in adults...

Sadly, though, it seems that deer are an exception to him.

Ignorance is never bliss when

Ignorance is never bliss when one finally turns the lights out.
I'll watch the closet for hours because I'm aware that I am not the only entity in this house.

The feeling of fear creeping up my neck is a sign of survival, unpleasant and horrid as it is. It means I am still alive. You, too?

I am seventeen. Not yet an adult. Perhaps not a child by some standards- but not yet off the hook. So I am cautious.

Perhaps many of the deer have a thing or two to learn about being untouchable as they believe themselves to be.
DouglasMorris's picture

Ah... Lucky you. As I have

Ah... Lucky you.

As I have subjected myself to this forest, I have no closet to watch. I have nothing but endless miles of shadowed terrain to close my eyes to.

Even the most hardened individual feels that jolt of fear and pumping blood. It means that you're alive.

You certainly have an adult mindset about you, which one of the few things that The Slender Man dosen't want to deal with.

I was three when I first saw The Slender Man, though I didn't know it at the time... innocent thing that I was. Many of the young children that find themselves in his grip consider him to be an imginary playmate of some sorts.

I did too, for quite some time.

But alas, I grew older and soon realized the foolishness of my mistake. And yet, he has still not physically harmed me. He has simply watched.

Surely you can't blame the other deer for thinking such a thing? It's their prime nature to do so. They are herd animals.

That is why The Slender Man has disguised himself as one of them.
ickydog's picture

*cringes behind Uuru*

*cringes behind Uuru*
Kobal Snuff

I suppose. A forest is much

I suppose.
A forest is much more vast, hosting even the darkest of creatures, figments.. I wish you luck.

I do hope that my maturity, as it were, is enough to act as a sort of stigma. Perhaps he might peer through anothers' window then.

Perhaps he is preserving you.
Like Tim.

No, they cannot be blamed. They are protecting themselves by remaining steadfast, ignorant.

I have been watching the recounts in some videos of Slender Man with a friend... I find that no matter the age group he follows, the terror will always be present within me.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Why did I decide to check

Why did I decide to check this bio, late at night when I'm up all alone? Gah! @_@
DouglasMorris's picture

Pandoras; Preserving? You



You don't know how old I am. I'm well past the age of 'preservation'. If he wants to kill me, then he'd better do so soon.

I wish you and your deer the best of luck... but I think you'll be alright.

For now, anyway.
Uruushou's picture

Omg...the boy in the photo is

Omg...the boy in the photo is Alex from Marble Hornets! I am rewatching the clips now, and I just remembered that he shows up like that at some point. Holy cow, this is getting very creepy~

It seems I have finally found

It seems I have finally found you!
Spirituelle's picture

I fucking love this. Slender

I fucking love this. Slender Man stories are amaaazing.
Verdalas's picture

I only noticed this now? =O

I only noticed this now? =O Track!

I love the Slender Man. He's so awesome. *-*
ShikaTale's picture


Aivilo's picture

Ohgawsh. And suddenly I find

Ohgawsh. And suddenly I find myself watching Marble Hornets again. Whyyy.
Thank you for this informative page! I'll have to keep an eye out for this creeper.

Ohgod pls

Ohgod pls no.
/runs into a corner
pls -crai-
;--; ♥

Skitties's picture

This deer hasn't been played

This deer hasn't been played in months and likely won't be played again, actually. I know the player.

Signature by Roo ♥
Aivilo's picture

Humh. I'd figured it had been

Humh. I'd figured it had been bumped 'cause someone had seen it.
Ah well, still got some entertainment for the night o3o
ZakuroToshino's picture



(Bumpeeee!) Sorry for bumping

(Bumpeeee!) Sorry for bumping this two years later, but I came across this on Google. Thanks whoever made this for informing me to watch out for the dear pedo-bear. Smiling