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Personal Progress Reports (06/0611)


He's becoming more aggressive lately in his stalking, from what I've heard. Even if I still haven't gotten a complete grasp on all my short-term memories, I'll continue my observations tomorrow.

I haven't heard anything from our Masked Man prankster, so I'll assume that the whole ordeal was nothing more than a twisted joke.

People can be sick sometimes...



For those who saw the one post on my collection of Slender Man related notes, I am quite certain that it's an act of an internet prankster. Nothing more and nothing less. I understand your spooked reactions, but I'm convinced that there's nothing to be afraid of.

On a more personal note, my memory has become less spotty, more than likely because I've laid low. As soon as I know that I'm mentally sound, I'll continue my observations.

I realize that it's for the good of everyone. I seem to be one of the few who's dedicated themselves to it. Don't think that I'm blaming you for a lack of support, because I'm not.

Really, I think you would have had to have been stalked by The Slender Man to the degree that I've been in order to be as dedicated.



Apologies for not elaborating on my own memory loss. I was a bit stressed at the time of writing... But I haven't forgotten anything crucial that I know of. I sleep and wake in the same spot. I'm constantly alert, yet I forget smaller, more trival things. It's much like an early onset of Alzheimer's disease. As I try to focus on a particular task, I often forget previous steps in it that I've done...

As far as I know, all of my long-term memories are still intact. However, if I start to forget those as well... then I'll simply refer to this diary. I doubt that he'll go as far as to erase anything more than what he is now.

Still laying low. Avoiding everyone, no matter how innocent they may seem.
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Seeking out The Slender Man [Interactions]

I'd advise you not to do this.

But sadly I can't seem to convince you.

If you truly wish to seek out The Slender Man, then by all means, do so.

He'll find you first.

Here you can interact with him.

I warned you.

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The Slender Man (Currently; Hidden)

A collection of observations
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a warning from Douglas

The net draws tighter
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huhzzz... huhzzz...

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