Six - 6 - Six

arrowdoe's picture
The Biography of Six

Here's a lullaby to close your eyes.
You lie, silent there before me.
I don't feel enough for you to cry.

. {Name || Six
. {Gender || Female
. {Species || Visayan
. {Age || 2 Years Young
. {D.O.B. || June 6th
. {Crush || Moonlight
. {Mate || Hm... ♥

. f r i e n d s .

. r e i n c a r n a t i o n s .
By Nopje

. h i s t o r y - i s - w r i t t e n .
My legs ached, my lungs burned. The snow fell silently on the ground, covering my tracks quickly, but not fast enough.
He chased. My mouth opened and air forced its way out of my throat, but no sound was made. My voice was gone- and he was after me. I ducked under a low-lying branch, attempting to hide from his sharp cloven hooves. He passed by me, racing after a mere guess of the direction I had gone. I felt the warm tears roll down my cheeks and burn in my wounds. It hurt.
Despite his wrath, he was still who he had always been. We were close as fawns- foolproof and adventurous. Now, let it be only luck that I had discovered this little hideaway the day before. I slid backwards towards the base of the bush, careful not to make too much noise or push any snow out. I huddled back there, shivering and aching from the cold and effort of the chase. I cried still, knowing that he wasn't going to stop. Knowing that he was going to find me sooner or later. Knowing that this could be the last time I take a breath.
I closed my eyes, trying to force the thought from my head. It came back, again and again, each time more vivid- no, more detailed- than the last. How he would do it. When. Where. Yet the same question always remained unanswered as I curled up in the cold air.
"Why, Baask? You're my brother... why?"

ocean's picture



Track of interest ^^

Track of interest ^^

Tracking and beautiful music

Tracking Smiling and beautiful music <3

arrowdoe's picture

Thank you ^^

Thank you ^^

Hrrrghhhfffff track

Hrrrghhhfffff track <3
arrowdoe's picture

(No subject)


I Like that music so much!

I Like that music so much! XDD

Amazon's picture

track-track! (:

track-track! (:

I am verry happy she have

I am verry happy she have some friends ^^ And I see shes scared from other deer! Moonlight wanna protect her ^^ If she want!

arrowdoe's picture

Me too! Especially since

Me too! Especially since Moonlight is her friend too! She would like that very much, but she doesn't want poor Moonlight to worry about her too much! She'll get more social as time goes one, hopefully!

I think.... I know sure...

I think.... I know sure... but I don't know how to tell.. I do my best! :>

Moonlight .. wanna protect.. Six... Six is now.. in his his heart.. he have the feeling he have to protect her and he would do that with much love and I think... Moonlight.. loves Six <3 I hope.. Six is not confused now.. c:

Silent Hill 4 Room of Angel

Silent Hill 4 Room of Angel

/shot 8D

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Aww, Moonlight

Aww, Moonlight <3

"M-moonlight... I lo-love you t-too. <3"

Kahara: -sends Pyramid Head and nurses after you- >8D

... Ohsh- /runs\ BTFO SCARY

... Ohsh- /runs\ BTFO SCARY THINGS. /yet fan over Phead :'D\

Moonlight: "Six..." *purr* -

Moonlight: "Six..." *purr*
Oh! and I did saw a deer with the picto that looks likes Six's picto!! Can you give me a link to Six picto please? xD

arrowdoe's picture

Muahahahaha! > Nopje- You

Muahahahaha! >Laughing out loud

Nopje- You probably saw Azaroth ^^ His picto is identical to Six's in game- but out game they are very different. Here is Six's pict, but without the little dot at the bottom of the rectangle.

ok thx xD .. Moonlight..

ok thx xD .. Moonlight.. loves six :3