A silence in butterflies

day4's picture
Hey guys! Just doing my annual swing in, but I've come to a point in my life where I need something, I'm not sure exactly what but my life has been feeling SO bleak. I'm not unhappy but I just need that spark back. You guys know, that Forest spark. So I'm going to try and get back in the swing of things, and I love writing and reading. So feel free to interact! I'm bringing my main back from her slumber, a restart if you will! Hope you enjoy!
A doe, with a dark and vibrant pelt sits among the monarchs she feels at home with. They dance in the sky, while their featherlight wings sing a tune of pure silence that only the attuned can hear. It seems as though time has stopped, and she doesn't know how long she has been sitting here. Hours, days, perhaps years have been spent wasting away in her own mind. Or has time really been wasted? Sometimes time in thought makes the mind sharp and intuitive. Sometimes the butterflies take a break from their dancing and rest upon her for hours. Days. Perhaps years...
The doe startles out of a trance so deep she is not entirely sure where she is at. The world around her is not a surprise: ambient sounds of birds and grass and butterflies looming around her, but it is herself that makes the breath inside of her catch. There is a bleakness inside of her mind she cannot understand. Something dark and sad and confusing. She does not know when one memory starts and another ends, much like the forest she resides in.

Unfamiliar voices and bellows echo through the breeze.

Where has the time gone? When did the time end that she could recall her past memories?

The doe glances around at her all too familiar surroundings, and tries to remember when it felt like home.
day4's picture


Bayleen's picture

(placing a track here so I

(placing a track here so I can come back and reply when I have time!)

tracking for now bc

tracking for now bc unfortunately not really in the mood for RPing ;-;
day4's picture

Amary- I actually feel you xD

Amary- I actually feel you xD it's only 10:20 pm and I'm about to go to bed