under the cut cause like ya there will be lots of pictures
here you can show off your first art(s) and your most recient (also some in between)
heres mine
Heres some of my first
In the middle (getting better)
my most reciet ones
wow! i have come far! show your progress too! to give others courge!
I can really see your
You are getting better everytime you are drawing
thanks fly 8D
Awesome! You really have
I like this thread idea, too. If I can dig up my old art, I might share as well.
Awesome. ♥ That's just
For me, early one, two, three. I actually do like them except for the first one which is totally barfable, but look at the anatomy. I think it is pretty wrong in comparison with this or this or this [BLOOD!], which are my recent artworks. I also have a whole new technique for art now.
My first tef art ever
Aaaannndddd my most recent (kinda) that I feel shows my updated skill
wow! awesome you guys! you
and for non tef First
First character ever made
most recent character painted
wow! your so good at humans!
I had training in college as
My biggest advice is don't compare yourselves to those better than you. Use their advancement as a platform, an inspiration but learn your own path and soon you'll be where you want to be
wow! thats a long time! (i'm
(i'm stick to anthros though
You've come a long way! You
my oldest one that i'm not too embarrassed to show
my most recent piece.
Holy woah, Flat! That's
Though I don't have anything too terribly recent...
This is from around when I first got my tablet. And this is my most recent art of Glisseo.
Not much change. Line weight and consistency got better. Colouring inside the lines became easier. I got better with hooves! In some of my old stuff I just left them off completely. XD And I like to think I'm a little better at drawing fluff now.
wow you two! you made
@ray: Awesome! hello -throws banana-
I love watching as art
For comparison, my first ever online drawing.
One of my first drawings for the community.
Around a year ago
A few months after that
Most recent drawing.
oldest TEF picture (August
recent TEF picture (June 2014)
my first deviantart account
my second dA account
my current dA account
old tef art blog
new tef art blog
This Then This It explains
It explains itself.
Character Hub
Cyda, I think I've been
Plugged & Silver, you guys made awesome progress, too~ Plugged I love the textures in your drawings!
you guys are all great! and
Not the most recent but it
First deer related art I
Latest deer related art.
awesome! i can see your