(The Show Must Go On-


thyme ///

It shone so bright on this night in the forest. There was something off about this place though. He recognized that looming oak tree from before and the ghastly sounds it made as he padded past. His orange eyes looked at the tree, going closer to put a paw up against the bark and dug his claws in to make a mark to make sure he wasn't going crazy. Again he passed it, hearing the faint howls of the tree, his ears drew backwards as he took in many different scents of this forest. Where was he? No matter, he would keep looking until he found the familiar path he took to get here.
the tree
Was screaming obvious as the scratch mark was still there, the same one he put on it. Everything else looked familiar too. He wasn't going in a straight line like he thought, he was going in a loop. What was this place? It seemed almost... Endless. That's what it was, and Endless Forest. In a blind panic, he turned and ran the opposite way that he was going before he returned to the tree. Running blindly through the bushes and tall reeds that over grew the forest with the tall white trees, he dove under the overhanging rock that rested upon another large boulder. He panted with eyes wide and in shock as the tree stood there, as if it was watching him. His fur bristled up.
what is going on
He asks the old tree that moaned under the slightest breeze of the wind. He looked up at it's many branches, it's fingers tickling the sky. He watched the sky and laid quickly onto his stomach and rolled over onto his back. His white face watched the clouds through the thick canopy of leaves. His tail pet the grass as it passed through. He couldn't believe he was stuck in such an endless place. But just maybe...
this is good
He uttered, his dark pink gums turned into a smile as he closed his blazing eyes. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he was supposed to be here in the first place. Maybe fate brought him here. Maybe he died without knowing it and he found himself here in this wonderland of some sort.
hello heaven

who i am...
*Feel free to roleplay here, I do enjoy it.

A wolf with a pure white face that represents a skull, a nose of a dark pink, black gums, and orange hollow eyes. Black, white, and a light to dark gray fur mesh up. Claws are the same color as his nose as well as his tear ducts and paw pads. Scars line the left hind leg due to an 'accident' involving humans and machines.

Thyme lived in a pack with his mother, father, three sisters, and his grandparents. Other wolves lived in the pack as well. When he was a pup, he encountered the humans and was captured for show at the local pound. His father and grandfather came to his rescue, where he ran away when ordered to, and never saw them again. he ran for as long and fast as he could until he could no longer recognize anything around him. He was lost and now on his own. After a few years, he learned to cope with his surrounding and found a human farm which had chickens and turkeys. He found himself stealing a chicken and the farmer happened to notice as he was on his tractor and chased him off, but not without managing to get one of the wolf's legs trapped inside. Thyme was lucky enough to escape with his life, leaving behind the dead chicken. After that encounter, he dares not to cross into human territory.

how i arrived

Thyme arrived by accidentally wandering into the dense forest, causing him to step through a forign barrier that keeps everything in and nothing can leave. He arrived confused and believes that he had died and gone to heaven. He doesn't know that he's very much alive and wandering a forest where there's no such thing as time, hunger, or death... Unless one chooses to starve or die. He believes that fate led him here.
BrokkenSaint's picture



Tracking ♥

Tracking ♥
shamiya's picture

I dig this song.

I dig this song.
Clora's picture

So totally tracking

So totally tracking Laughing out loud
Once {Epon} A Time.

Track! - Is he in the forest?

- Is he in the forest? Does he eat... ...