Say a Phrase

BluedeerLegend18's picture
Say a phrase.

It can be anything.

Then look at the person above you.

Look at his or her phrase.

Draw or write the thing that his or her phrase reminds you of.

Post it here.

I'll start.


All is Silent
Kasmir's picture

I'm on a highway to

I'm on a highway to hell.

All is silent.

One little mouse, daring to venture out. Tiny feet scurry across the wood, back into the hole. Not a sound.
No snoring. All tucked into their beds, quiter than a dropping pin.
No surprise. The chimney rustles. And boots, scuffed from ash, fall to te ground. And a jolly beard, one of swirls and curls. A plump belly from dinner that night and many nights before.
Old Saint Nicolas.

(Don't know if I did this right xD correct me if I didn't...)
eyestrain's picture

I'm on a highway to

I'm on a highway to hell.
I've never made a habit of looking back. "Your eyes are in the front so you can see the horizon," I was told.
I look forward now and I know where the black line of the road leads to. I'm on the highway to hell, and there's no looking back.

A blur in the corner of my eye. Paper-thin wings paddling through the air. A tiny gray creature flaps by, headed down the road before me, but...
... that little fleck of living ash slips from the black strip of asphalt to the line where blazing sky and red earth meet.

I see something I didn't see before.
That line of light and scarlet is so wide. From the corner of my left eye to the corner of my right that line is smooth and flat. It wraps around my head, my body.
I am standing in a circle, and this road is a single, tiny point on the line.


Do not chase one who leaves, do not reject one who comes.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.