Bumping this, so everyone's aware~
We have a player for Icarus and possible players for the fosters. Anyone's welcome to take part, but please make sure you understand the characters and the relationships between them. I want it to be clear that neither Mavis nor Beliar are.. BAD- well, MAYBE Mavis.. is.. because she enjoys what she does.. but they are not by any means good parents. Mavis may try to care for the fawn.. but I don't want her attacked every time she comes close, she will not always have ill intent. .. if that makes sense.
A player for the fawn, Icarus.
Hello, everyone. Since I'm back, it's time to make this little scheme public~
Crimsongale and I have made the disastrous decision to produce the spawn of two insane deer I'm sure at least some of you are familiar with. Mavis, the mini doe and Beliar, Crim's hellish stag.
We all know that Beliar is in no way a suitable parent for a fawn- he'd sooner kill it or avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, Mavis is quite the same, though her parenting instincts may be a little stronger.
Since both parents are mentally disturbed, we may also need a nice doe to volunteer to foster the fawn when Mavis isn't sane enough to mother him properly. Mav will be torn between mothering, neglecting, and attacking the fawnthing.. while Beliar will probably keep his distance- aware that it is his child, but fighting himself with bringing harm to it.
More than one person can foster, of course.. but it will need to be made clear WHO the fawn is so that there is no confusion about Mavis's intentions.. and people don't go chasing her from the little one when she may be doing what she SHOULD. c:
The player for the fawn will need to have a means of contact, preferably MSN~
If you're interested in taking part, please let Crim and I know~?
I think I'd be interested~
oh dear god. XDDDDDDDD Im
Im going to die. lol
Tally could be the foster mom, she knows Belair so well i think it would be fitting. *shotintheface*
-nodnod- Tracking so I can
Tracking so I can help with any questions, concerns, et cetera.
If you would like me that is xD;
*addadd* xylv: Are you
xylv: Are you interested in playing Icarus or fostering.. ? c:
Playing Icarus~ c:
@Tally - It's very much a
I wouldn't have to ask you to be active, as you are very active already; so you're definitely in the running <3 We'll see if anyone else applies before we decide Iccy should be made.
Hehe, if I didn't already
I do, however, have a few characters that would be willing to help care for him. That shouldn't be a problem. ^^
Edit: Actually, maybe just put me at the bottom of the waiting list. I would love to play him, but I don't want to steal that opportunity away from a more deserving player, for lack of a better word. XD
EDIT: I think both spots are taken xD
EDITEDIT: If many people could apply for both roles, I would love to apply to be one of them {preferably Icarus}. If not, then ignore me |D
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By Leuvr ♥
@Scythe - Yes, unfortunately
@Ranza - :/ Xylv has taken Icarus, but as I told Scythe- it will definitely be necassary for there to be more than one foster parent, as Beliar and Mav will probably jump at the sight of a fawn with no adults about to protect it. In any case, you're welcome to have one of your deer become foster mother, or foster father.
Aww, okay. Well, best of
this sounds fuuun~ x'3
That's fine~! I'm sure Xylv
I don't think anyone's wanted to be foster father, so my stag Skelarrow can be 8DDD {He's a bit unstable in the mind too, but in a good-ish way xD Like he won't kill anyone or want to hurt them, but he thinks EVERYTHING is funny and talks to himself xD}
Updates & Links to Deer Bios
By Leuvr ♥
Sai can be a god father? >3
@Merrick - Yus indeed
@Ranza - Sure thing! Skelarrow can be a foster father if he'd like
@Rell - Ohlord lol that'd be awesome XD
Woo~!! *good excuse to make
And the funny thing I realized is that they have the same pelt/skull mask, so they'll actually look related 8D
Updates & Links to Deer Bios
By Leuvr ♥
*Bumps* This will happen
This will happen soon, no worries ;3
D: How could I have missed
How could I have missed this?! DX