April 18, 2009 - 9:11pm — Anzel
Didn't this error thing happen once before when they added the bubbles and flowers and such? Maybe they're doing something like that :3
EDIT: Tadaa. Theory proven...BUBBLES! <3
Just close and re-open TEF, and you'll see candles and you can moo bubbles and fwee <3
I got nothin'. -pout- :: D
:: D e e r . U p d a t e s ::
Gah D: I still can't
it my first one, very sad it
Close and re-open TEF. I was
Just close and re-open and you can moo bubbles :3
Anzel, I think that's only
I've closed and reopened ten times, and nothing.
Never had trouble before...
Here goes nothing. -tries once more-
=O!! I'm on!
:: D e e r . U p d a t e s ::
I loged in again all on own
GO rup pine cone tree ......easter egg fall out of it!
Yeah, there are candles, and
Tried...and failed I can moo
I can moo ubbles though
I am going to sbart my own party
a nameless mooing bubbles
How about being able to log
your are luck if you can
my deer can't do nothing there
only the red dot is there at the bottom and the computer says there is an error.
its the error i bet.
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
Well, it takes a minute or
Still can't connect. D=