
Topaz100's picture
Deer updates;)Eye

Yoko Updates

Thinking:Ahhhhh, got to be nice to Everdon
Feeling:Bored because i can't be too boistrous
Doing:Trying to be calm in his dreams, Trying to make friends in his dreams, Trying to get some sleep in his dreams!
Wearing:Stripped pelt, default antlers and purple flowers, Brown deer mask

Yoko's biography

Me Updates

Thinking: Yoko better be nice to Everdon (LOL)
Feeling: Stern, hopefully not embaressed, quite happy
Doing: I was trying to help Custard find an name for a doe, and now trying to calm crazy young stag Yoko down, which is pretty hard!

Haven't got a biography, lol, sorry!;)Eye
Custard's picture

D: Please don't scare me...

D: Please don't scare me... xC

Lol. Everdon over reacts. She has a fear of... emm... EVERYTHING.
:: Updates ::