I've been having a terrible art block for my whole life ó>ó
Well first of all hello everyone, I am an old member of the forest not so active lately. Still aliveee Bröööhhhhhhh !
BUT I feel like taking requests, just few now. I will draw them most likely traditionally (
Pen, Ballpoint pen, Colors !!?? Maybe ?? WHO KNOWS )
If I dont ever finish them don't hate me :^D
FIRST COME - FIRST SERVE (Picture/ref needed)
Okay so lets get started, *cough*6 slots for now.
1. Doitsu for AceAshling DONE
2. Pippit for Pippit DONE
3. Mairine for Thais requested by tigerart27 DONE
4. Ludwig for Postmortem
5. Morgul for Tuo requested by Mauvable
6. Sasuda for Mauvable
7. Aurus for Chromai

Doitsu for AceAshling ! Done with ballpoint pen c:

Pippit for Pippit ! Done with watercolours ( I really need to practise them ahaha. )

Mairine for Thais ! Some digital art this time.. ( I really haven't done any digital in such a long time, so I decided to give it a try, this was a nice little practise c: I used SAI. )
Watching this for Uzu arts.
Ohhhh. Maybe a young sambar?
Kiwara : I was really hoping for character requests ehehe <
Maybe Doitsu? Apologies for
Perhaps This girl?
AceAshling - Sure ! First
Pippit - YAasss aand second slot C:
how about either her or him
ooouuu track
Maybe him if you're up for
gonna put him
Gonna just drop a few, some
Tuo's Morgul
My Sasuda
LilyBlue's Rae
wake's Rota
Aaaand As I said first come
tigerartz27 - hnnnnn I decided to go with Mairine :>
Focused - Do you have a picture/ref of him ? I couldn't find from the bio :0
Postmortem - Slot is yours c: he
Mauvable - I JUST DEcided to draw two of them haha.
His ref description is the
Ahhh yeaaah but is there a
/nervous cough Do you draw
Do you draw rabbits?
Oh, forgive me then I
Thanks anyway! c:
Chromai - HAHa Sure
Focused - No problem, Thanks for commenting though ! <3
OKAY THIS IS CLOSED FOR NOW, Thank you all for your fast requests ! <3
Ah, he is a character, sorry
Darn, I missed out on this.
AHHH Yes thank much thank wow
no but rly thank u so much
Kiwara - Oh ! Well lets seee
singingbird - Ah well right now I'm pretty busy :^D But nice to know !
Mauv - Ó>Ó
Woa, this here is amazing. I
Oh my god, youre even better
Looking very much forward to seeing more of your drawings.
Uitleger - Thank you, I
Tuo - *v* Aika kultaa muistot eiku. Thanks paps <3 I think I have improved over time though...! Or atleast I hope so hah.
I'm pretty surprised how I'm getting these done so far, drawing every change I get from my schoolwork and such ! Mörkö is someone I've meant to draw a long time ago. :>
Drawing has been pretty problematic for me, or putting any on display, but im finally just giving up the insecurity .. But I hope I get lots done and I truly feel very inspired by this so thanks again to everyone throwing these characters at me !
Love your art ^O^ Imma stalk
holy uff i just screamed art
art so beautiful
Wow, this is absolutely
Love your style, can't wait to see more.
squirms a bit
Ahhh I have not forgotten
AceAshling - Happy you like C: It was real fun drawing Doitsu !!! I loved their crazy froggy legs ;;_;;
Thank you all for stalks n tracks n compliments ! ! ! ! Ò^Ò
These are all coming along
WHOA I was totally taken by