remember that picture question

you all know my question when i asked how to post up pictures right?

well i remember one of the comments telling me i must have the picture already posted somewhere else
well sadly y pictures are not posted anywhere else execpt my files . i do not have deviantart ( i wish i do) nor instagram ( i don't have the app nor a phone or ipad exct..exct...) i especially dont have a blog
( one of theses day i will but i wont promises it) ........ im so anxious to post my art up here but for some reason i cant <:c

welp on of these days i will just because i cant post up art does not mean i wills top playing my favorite game
StagnessBlue's picture

You can try photobucket

You can try photobucket Smiling

Avatar by -SH

"I didn't say you couldn't, it's just highly unrecommended."


StagnessBlue's picture

Was it something I said?

Was it something I said? Sticking out tongue

Avatar by -SH

"I didn't say you couldn't, it's just highly unrecommended."

Tinypic you can as well. No

Tinypic you can as well. No need to sign up and you can see the last few imgs you uploaded.

no you did not say anything

no you did not say anything bad govner that was just a random picture face thingy that looks like a fish
StagnessBlue's picture

I know, I was kidding ^^

I know, I was kidding ^^

Avatar by -SH

"I didn't say you couldn't, it's just highly unrecommended."

