Regarding Requests: Please Read

Redkora's picture
You may know that I have been taking art requests.

Working two jobs, graduate school, church, and other responsibilities have left me very little free time for anything, much less doing artwork. Until further notice, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED until further notice. Thank you to those who have requested; I will finish the requests when I can. Here are the requests I have yet to finish, which I DO intend to finish ASAP:

Idea Fangorn

Idea Tilly & Buttons

Idea Federweber

Idea Honigmund

Idea Celtis

Idea Sgro

Idea Emiva

Idea Kasmir & Hexane

Idea Juniper

Idea Tara

Sorry about this, guys. Thanks!
DEERTH's picture

It's okay! I'll wait

It's okay! I'll wait patiently, I know how hard your time is. Smiling
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

Redkora's picture

Thank you for being

Thank you for being understanding. I really need to focus on stuff IRL, but I want to make sure I finish all the requests that came in.
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]
Redkora's picture

BUMPing for an edit.

BUMPing for an edit.
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]