References for your Drawings (a lot of photos for you !)
November 22, 2012 - 6:29pm — Eledhwen22
Well, I decided to put here some photographs I took of deers. I'll use these photos for drawing references, and I thought it could help some of you too
So, here you'll see mainly photos of Red deers, but also some of Fallow deers and 2 of a Marsh deer. I'll updated this blog when I'll have new photographs
. So don't hesitate to track this ! If you want a photo in a larger size, don't hesitate to ask too, and I'll send it to you by mail
Thank you to not post these ones elsewhere and don't claim them as your own, only use them for your personal drawings. And if you use, thank you to tell me, I would love to see what you've done with them !
{Photos under the cut}
These are very nice! Thanks
I couldn't help myself.
so very sorry
@Sight: Oh, which one ? And
@Carry: Pfff, I was thinking the same when I've seen the photo the first time xD. My god, you made me laugh so much, this is excellent xD.
This one that little ram is
Yes, it's a "Mouflon Corse",
As you can see, this male wanted to be the first to be fed ... He wasn't impressed by deers, apparently xD. He is a brave little ram :').
I also noticed that females mouflons prefered stay near deers and not with the ram ... Certainly because they are tall, with beautiful and big antlers, ha ha ! On this photo, the difference of size can remind tall deers and minis on TEF.
Carry, this is for you (snuffle butt' powa ! xD)
I'm sorry, but you have
These are beautiful. @_@
Oh ... my ... GOD ! xD
That's a lot of deer |D
Oh my..haha I love your edits Carry.
OMG where is this? If you
The great majority of these
What's I like too, is that the staff of the park put a board with the name of each deer :').
There are also NOT barbed wire, so deers can come near you (but usually they don't, haha ! And during the rut time, I'm not reassured when they run too close to me ^^').
This park is also famous because you can sleep in several accomodations, near the top of trees or in the middle of wolves for example (you can see them here: ).
This is a video of babies born in the park this year <3 :
These are all AWESOME I loved
I loved the one with the two stags clashing antlers *-*
~ C.S. Lewis
Thank you wocio ! I love this
I bump this, showing you what
Thank you! That really
I'm happy that's helpful to
That melanistic deer is
Thanks for sharing these.
Yes he is !
And you're welcome
I bump this, if it can help
Definite track from me. All
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
I'm so happy it can help you
I'm bumping this because it's
I'm happy if it can help . I
I just took this photo at the good moment ... Haha x)
Wow. Thank you for sharing!