Redhorn and The Flass back

Angelina_Red's picture
Redhorn roamed through the woods. Enjoying the world while he was still alive, and while The Endless Forest still existed. He heard the birds chirp the frogs croak. It all seemed perfect, well at least for him. He remembered when he was a no name buck. But everybody treated him well; his coat was as red as fire. And his antlers were sharp and long. And oh! When he became leader of a herd, he loved the time back then. He had a friend, a doe that was as white as snow…and very beautiful. You could even say! That bucks chased after her. Ha, ha…he remembered when he claimed his place as leader of the Pond Heard. He treated the new members well. When they were looking for a place to fit in, he went easy on the does and fawns. But when it came to the bucks, he claimed…oh he claimed!! That the leader here, was him. He didn’t have to fight. Before he had a name, everybody just called him leader. They gave him respect.tho before he was leader; his coat was brown and plain. Just like a worthless little buck…and he also wasn’t named. He went to the pond and looked at himself, now it seemed no one new him. Not even the fawns got close to him. Not like all deer did before he got his name, his name of Redhorn. They were just attracted by him like a magnet. But now, he had no friends…no herd. He was just a lone buck roaming through the woods. Trying to fit somewhere in this world. He saw some bucks and does flirting with each other, loving on each other. That broke his heart, because he loved the white doe. She was his mate, Redhorn loved that snowflake. And she loved him back, but something happened and the only doe he ever loved… just disappeared. Redhorn left The Endless forest and the next day when he came back. A buck had token his place as leader of the pond herd. He fought for it back, but it was no use. The black and blue buck was stronger than him. Arko didn’t want any plain brown, no name, and deer in his herd. He was banned from the land near the pond. He went to the ruins to live there, and weeks after, him eating dead flowers, roten mooshroms, and staying with that thirstiness . He thought that maybe they wouldn’t remember him, since he wasn’t named yet he decided to go back home. So he ran back to the pond and looked around. The herd was gone, he went to the place where the two god statues were. Redhorn gasped, when he saw his little snow flake dance with Arko. The deer that took away his place as leader! He roared and kicked! He was angry…very angry..He got close to his snowflake and rubbed against her, but she backed away and got behind Arko. He bowed thousands of times so she would recognize him. Arko roared and the deer’s shacked their heads saying yes. He ran and the snowflake he loved with the deer she ran with him. Right then Redhorn got out of the flash back and looked around. Redhorn saw that some deer’s gazed at him. He felt relief and a bit of comfort that at least the deer gazed at him. But also he had the back down, and that was…that they were just gazing at him in wonder and fear. He felt something shiver and break him apart. Before Redhorn could move, he disappeared. Leaving a fawn laying there near the water, and she would one day be known as her graceful father was also known...
Angelina_Red's picture

is it just me? or I wrote to

is it just me? or I wrote to much "oh he.."?!XD

if I did zI'm so sorry guys!I'm like freaking out now!! enjoy!Smiling
Live Laugh have fun before the marchmalow alliens come!