| A raven of unusual size wanders the Forest.
Not only is it uncommonly large, but for some unknown reason, the Twin Gods have named it. It appears to be called ... .
shows little fear of deer. It will readily land in the middle of a large herd of deer with seemingly no concern of being trampled. When roared at, it simply caws in response. If a stag attempts to step on it or kick it, it simply flutters out of reach, sometimes even returning a few minutes later.
It has even been seen shuffling and hopping about alongside groups of dancing deer.
seems to gravitate toward fawns, possibly because they are smaller in size, but its motives are indiscernible. Though it often appears to be trying to communicate with the deer of the Forest, its gestures and body language are still a mystery, for most of them look alike from a deer's perspective.
+track+ :3
-hides Furfur- >>; Giant
Giant terrifying bird.
Yay! Now I know I've seen
It was dancing with Amazon
I do believe Ra encountered
I agree with Ra! What a neat
What a neat character. ^^
(No subject)
*trackingwithlove* so this
so this is the raven who's stalked all three of my deer over the coarse of the night =D rofl nice to meet you =D
lol oh my Jesus...Raven
I saw him around all day. I
So that's who was with Myu,
If follows you, it probably
I'm having so much fun playing as a raven, I don't even know when I'll go back to playing my deer!
Yeah, well, I like him.
Oooh, the ravens are
Aha, so this is the raven
It was nice meeting you (8
Well hello there, A.