Random thoughts and ideas (Me just thinking out load) <3

missingmemory's picture
Well seeing everyone's great art really makes me want to get some of my own work up and out. *Sigh* but I really need my scanner (was meant to get it last week and the week before that).
I would really like to do some art requests, seeing as I've never done it before I could give it a try and maybe some trades to.
Though I hope all my work I do for them is not terrible (that would be embarrassing).

Wow so bored .... maybe I'll do some more drawing? ...Or collage work, which is pretty much the same (oh yeah finish it all ...) Random drawings it is!

Lol if anyone else is bored maybe they could give me some ideas on what to draw, that way I can get some practice on drawing stuff people want. (It will get me used to requests so I can tell if i suck at it before I get my scanner).

BTW - thanks for taking time to read one of my random rants <3
ShadowsofLight's picture

just draw whatever you like~

just draw whatever you like~ we'll view it anyway haha

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
missingmemory's picture

Haha yeah ok

Haha yeah ok Laughing out loud