
Hey there!

A new fawn in the forest, their name is Rain.

It seems they were born as a frog, 'cause the first thing they did after logging in was to become a frog without any other deer's help.


It's pleasant to be back. I used to play TEF under another name and other deers, but for personal reasons I won't return to them ever again. At least I suppose so.

Those who spent time with me probably will recognise me later. In this case, I just ask them not to name me with my previous name.
Jacklo's picture

Very cute!

Very cute!

Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977

Jacklo, thank you!

Jacklo, thank you!
Kaoori's picture

This is adorable!

This is adorable!
Saturnia's picture

Welcome back! I love the

Welcome back! I love the brush style here and the froggy doodle is so cute

Thank you, Kaoori!

Thank you, Kaoori!

Saturnia, thank you so much!

Saturnia, thank you so much! <3