The first thing he felt, was a sense of safety and peace.
He could hear the sound of he canopy above - softly shifting in the autumn breeze.
This sound slowly brings him into awareness, as his looong..p o i n t y.. black ..ears.. t w i t c h.
"I am a l i v e. . ? "
He mumbled to himself.
"Well, . . i am b r e a t h i n g . . ."
He thought, keeping his eyes shut tight.
He continued to listen, while allowing his thoughts drift.
He slowly let his body shift position as the heat of the sun collected on his back.
The warmth felt absolutely luxurious on his fur, as it gave his old spine new life.
Taking in a long deep breath, everything continued to slowly come into focus. The scent
of the dried leaves and the ripe berries left him with . . . a very particular feeling.
Waves of nostalgia take over, as he hears a crow in the distance.
A small fly lands on his eyelash, causing them to flutter.
The light shines into his sightless pink eyes, and the blurry red flashes startle him.
(P had been without eye sight since he was a fawn, though hardly any deer was aware of this.
He had always been able to hide it. He could see very well with his minds eye.)
Somewhere close by, the whistling of a golden butterfly mask echoes across the forest.
It was in that moment that he realized where he was.
He opens his eyes, and breathes slowly.
He stands up and shakes little bits of grass from his fur.
. . .he then starts to remember...
"How l o n g have i been away?"
He whispered to himself..
"And where was i before t h i s?!"
He walked slowly in the direction of the pond, feeling his painted white hooves sinking into the soil.
Each step brought up a new memory of his past, and he began to remember more about himself.
As a fawn he had sharply tuned his clairvoyance beyond normal sensory in order to survive.
He could see very clearly with the power of his mind. He quickly became an expert at extrasensory
perception and often will see colors, entities, shadows, shapes, and parallel universes that go beyond
the norm. His past holds old history of pain and confusion, though through the years he has overcome
the traumatic shadows and changed into a much stronger individual. He is always growing.
These thoughts caused him to pause for a moment, and he starts to remember a little more.
And then. . . he felt his heart sink - he remembered why he had left the forest a few years back.
He had lost his very close friend. They had passed away suddenly. And P had carried a massive
weight of guilt because of it. He had gone silent when this friend was in need, and during that
time. . . his friend ended up passing away. P never got to say good bye.
This deer was a beautiful and loyal soul, and should never be forgotten.
P sat with his feelings as the birds landed on his antlers.
He felt alone. His large pink eyes glassed over as he allowed his sorrow to pass through him.
- The sound of foot steps broke him from his thoughts, as a stranger walked proudly up to him.
Without fear, they politely gave a bow. And then a sniff. Followed by an obvious invite to play
as they hopped about enthusiastically. Very soon another strange deer approached, and they
all started leaping through the air with joy. There was a sense of healing and balance overflowing.
Soon after that, P spent most of his time getting reacquainted with the forest. He made a special
point to explore new areas that he had not seen before, while also visiting all his favorite locations
and smiling at all the happy memories they hold. He spent time making new friends and earning
their trust. It felt good to be active again. Though he felt very shy. The forest had changed.
Later on, an old friend found him! He was overjoyed to learn that they were still in the forest
and it was so sweet to see their familiar pictogram. The sight of it instantly filled his heart with
glowing shapes of friendship. <3 He felt so thankful to be having this experience.
Even though he was surrounded by friendly deer, and the forest he knew so well. . .
P was starting to feel anxious. His meditations recently are filled with v i s i o n s about the future.
He was feeling a sense of big change coming for the forest, and everything within it.
There was a lot of talk among the deer about a collective vision they all shared. . .
Soon, the great change is coming. The old forest might pass away
in order for the new forest to take its place and carry onward into the future.
We must all accept this shift in our reality, and do our best to
support each other through the change.
Lots of things in the forest feel uncertain right now. Its hard to know how much longer
this place will exist, or how much time we have left. P will enjoy every last moment
left within the old forest. Feeling grateful for all the years of friendship and memories,
and feeling comforted knowing those things will always exist. No matter what changes.
This is wonderfully written.
This blog made me feel super nostalgic. Has made me want to play TEF again, and play it just like the old days :')
Beautifully written.
Hi P, I am not sure if we
I am not sure if we know each other (or play together in the past) but I like your little story!
Me and Cu are allways looking for "Oldies" and "Newbies" or every one who is willing to play
and have fun at this really nice place!
see you, hopefully.
Hey, thank you so much for
I appreciate you a lot my friend <3
Hello there Starling, thank
What is your deer's pictogram?
Greetings! Thank you so much
It is very possible that we have met in the past sometime.
I will keep a lookout for Cu's picto in the forest!
Hope to hop around with you soon