"Weihnachten Stimmungsbilder" (Christmas Mood Pictures)

Widmung's picture
Please enjoy my latest pictures of this holiday season. Hope all of you stay safe from the Winter Storm.
May the Lord bless you with comfort and joy.

Merry Christmas!
Urschanabi's picture

Sehr schöne Bilder! Fröhliche

Sehr schöne Bilder! Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr Smiling

Signature © Draak

Love this! AH i need to join

Love this! AH i need to join in today!
Widmung's picture

Vielen Dank Herr Urschanabi!

Vielen Dank Herr Urschanabi! Frohe Weihnachten auch Ihnen! Smiling

Thank you Mr. Urschanabi! Merry Christmas to you too! Idea
Signature by Saater
tossercook's picture

these are so fun! lovely

these are so fun! lovely pictures

Signature by Wildflowerdeer and Profile by Sybilline
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Pink's picture

Hi Widmung, I really like

Hi Widmung,
I really like your screenies a lot! Cu tries to get on the fotos too, but he still run away at the false moment Eye
siggi by Sybilline
Widmung's picture

Thank you!

Thank you! Smiling
Signature by Saater

These remind me of old

These remind me of old polaroids. I'm fond of the glow and the grain, the busyness and vibrancy of the frames, the snow. The snow is a magic of its own, here.
Don't know how you accomplished it, the atmosphere takes me back to the first Xmas-Nyear holidays I remembered as a kid.
I also love the b/w, we look like a fancy antique piece. (was proud to be your twin, by the way)
Thank you for sharing these with us, as well. I'm sure I'll be coming back to enjoy them and those in the other post, in the future.