Endless Carnival
Mardi Gras 2014
This is a post to organize screenshots, commentary, and updates related to Mardi Gras 2014, also known as
Endless Carnival.
I won't be able to make the
event myself to witness the magic, so I'm hoping to return to a massive amount of screenshots capturing such a profound moment in TEF history.
- Ravyn
It sounds a little like Darth
I nearly jumped out of my skin when we got buzzed by the airplane. That would have been a religious experience for my deer, wish I'd been able to snap it.
I don't hear the breathing
My game also glitched and I'm seeing what is apparently a sleeping deer as a God light. http://imgur.com/468irZ3
Is anyone planning on
I would if I had the program.
I'm so excited!!!
The breathing is also paced
I have several clips of
Make sure all sound options
The disco ball was
Is this considered and ABIOGENESIS?
Avvie by Hadoukin
Double post hnnnnnnfff
Avvie by Hadoukin
They are + were before. o:
For connection issues, give the above a try.
My run in background and
@Lambfleece I think the orb
D: I think it's over. It
Yes , it Is 40 minutes past
So for today it is over ...they must be in Bed by now lol .
And i'll go too
Yeah, they stayed up working
I had so much fun today with everyone in the forest. You are all lovely people and I enjoy so much spending my time doing deer things in the forest with you and chattering on this forum. I hope y'all had as much fun as me.
Spider tweeted them and
My contribution:
Aw, and just as I get home,
Last batch of pictures I
Just after I had to go to
And I couldn't even go to school because I woke up at 4am with pretty high body temperature, impassable nose and damn sore throat.
So well... Congratulations to those who were lucky, unlike me. ♥
Was it something big?
E.: But woo they kept the weather! Awesome!!
And perhaps they're not done yet with celebrating? >>
I will post the screenshots I
The god came over to my char and a friends and started drawing fire around us before racing off. Course we gave chase.
This is the second Abio I experienced, but it lasted much longer than the first one because I caught the tail end of the one that was posted...2 weeks ago by a wonderful student in...belgium I believe? My apologies.
I wish I could have recorded, But I got a bunch of screenshots. Please stay posted for around 7pm EST when I will upload them all.