September 25, 2009 - 9:36pm — faunet
Hey girl! Im so so so so sorry I missed your call last night. I was offered a free ticket to see Houston ballet last night, and I took it thinking it wouldl be over by the time you would call. But it wasn't =(. I apologize profusely for leaving you hanging like that. I'll be free Sunday night if you want to call.
All of Gods words are really
Oh, no worries about the
Hes a guy on the radio he
NO! I know what you mean,
Not that i have heard
hmmmmmmm........yes some
Well Patrick Mathews or
This is only my opinion, but
Yeah please i know you dont
Yeah, this is definitely
And I'm sure there are people who have been able to communicate with souls on "the other side" as a true gift from God, but, like prophesy, those instances happen at God's will and timing, not their own.
You are really wise to recognise the importance of depending solely on God. I don't think you'll see it for a while, but you are going to be such a good influence on your mom's spiritual life (and we all need help every now then, even parents!) Your mom's in such a vulnerable, weakened situation, it's no wonder she would think about doing this, so I will pray for her protection. You have given me many things to pray for tonight! And that's good!
But I have to go since we have rehearsal tomorrow morning. If you want to chat some more tomorow night, I can be on, but it's up to you.
You and your family are in
Thanks! Sounds good! Talk to
Cant talk tonight cause
Oh no! I hope everything's
Okay, I'm going to go ahead
Im sorry but tonight no good
Oh friend, don't worry about