Quick message, not meant to be a post!

Hey girl! Im so so so so sorry I missed your call last night. I was offered a free ticket to see Houston ballet last night, and I took it thinking it wouldl be over by the time you would call. But it wasn't =(. I apologize profusely for leaving you hanging like that. I'll be free Sunday night if you want to call.


All of Gods words are really

All of Gods words are really inspirational . By the way sorry for leaving so many messages. Have you heard of Dawson Mccalister?

Oh, no worries about the

Oh, no worries about the messages!!! I've been difficult to get a hold of lately, ugh. No, who's Dawson McCalister?

Hes a guy on the radio he

Hes a guy on the radio he comes on around i wanna say 10:00 on Sunday nights he helpd people with problems and for some reason it helps to hear what people are going through I sympathize and i feel sorry for them but it helps to know that people are going through difficult times wow that sounds horrible for me to say.

NO! I know what you mean,

NO! I know what you mean, it's not at all horrible, I know exactly what you mean. It's human...suffering, ironically, is one of the things that unites us. It's not like you wish pain upon them, but it's comforting to see someone else suffering...and surviving it....just like you. It means they understand. I've never heard Don McCalister on the radio, but that does sound helpful. Has anybody's story been like yours?

Not that i have heard

Not that i have heard recently. Another quick question do you believe people can see dead spririts?

hmmmmmmm........yes some

hmmmmmmm........yes some people have that gift or power....and I don't think it's impossible that such a gift could come from God....but this day and age, *mostly* I'd say if someone can see a dead spirit, that power probably comes from below rather than above. Why do you ask?

Well Patrick Mathews or

Well Patrick Mathews or Georgia O Conner seem to have a gift. Would it be wrong in your opinion to get a reading from one of them?

This is only my opinion, but

This is only my opinion, but I'd say yes. If you want to communicate with your brother, talk to God yourself about it. I do it all the time. One way to tell the gift of seeing or communicating with a soul is of God when it happens strictly on His timing, such as when you receive a sign from your brother, or maybe dream about him. But the people who claim to be able to talk to or see dead spirits at their will are usually leaving God out of it, working with evil spirits instead (they might not recognize this themselves, which is why it's so dangerous). The scary thing about that is that it can backfire on you at that point...night terrors, obsessions, crazy stuff...I've witnessed spiritual battle, you don't want to risk putting yourself in that situation. I know it sounds really hoky, and I'm the most skeptical, logical, evidence oriented person when it comes to this stuff, but you should probably be careful about seeing someone who can see dead spirits. I can't give you a Biblical reference off the top of my head as to why this would be wrong, but I've seen/heard of bad things happening from such "gifts".

Yeah please i know you dont

Yeah please i know you dont tell any one about are conversations but please dont tell any one about that. Mom wants to do this but to me it does not seem right. What your saying does not sound hoky to me at all God is our strength our power basically everything that we are . Relying on Him as our Heavenly Father taking our wants,needs, praises our troubles to him is what we as spiritual growers or ( God lovers) need to do .

Yeah, this is definitely

Yeah, this is definitely between us, don't worry. I know the appeal this would have, especially to a mom, but you're absolutely right...it has to come from God.
And I'm sure there are people who have been able to communicate with souls on "the other side" as a true gift from God, but, like prophesy, those instances happen at God's will and timing, not their own.
You are really wise to recognise the importance of depending solely on God. I don't think you'll see it for a while, but you are going to be such a good influence on your mom's spiritual life (and we all need help every now then, even parents!) Your mom's in such a vulnerable, weakened situation, it's no wonder she would think about doing this, so I will pray for her protection. You have given me many things to pray for tonight! And that's good!Exclaim
But I have to go since we have rehearsal tomorrow morning. If you want to chat some more tomorow night, I can be on, but it's up to you.

You and your family are in

You and your family are in my prayers. Tomorrow night i guess would be alright at 10:00 ?

Thanks! Sounds good! Talk to

Thanks! Sounds good! Talk to you then, get some rest!

Cant talk tonight cause

Sad Cant talk tonight cause things are a little hectic around the house tonight but let me know when you can get on again.

Oh no! I hope everything's

Oh no! I hope everything's okay! No worries, but I did just see that you were on on the players' list, so I just want to double check before I log out, are you on?

Okay, I'm going to go ahead

Okay, I'm going to go ahead and log out then, and pray for you. Smiling I'll have to get back on a little later to let you know of a good time to reconnect, because my weekend's a little crazy. Have a good night, call me if you need to.

Im sorry but tonight no good

Im sorry but tonight no good cause i feel sick and moms on a war path again. I hope your well and also i am praying for you.* sorry for any inconvenience* Um ill try to contct you over the weekend but if i cant can you get on endless forest next Thursday at 10?

Oh friend, don't worry about

Oh friend, don't worry about it! I'll be praying for you! No inconvenience whatsoever, I hope you feel better! I will be around next Thursday! The weekend might be a little busy, but I'll try to answer!