October 9, 2010 - 9:54pm — Tenley
1. Ok, how do you get a link into a word then click it and it goes to a certain page?
2. How do you get the link that goes to your pictogram?
3. Im swtiching acounts to a new account my name will then be splinters.
Thank you! -tenley
I'm pretty sure that, for
< a href="insert URL">insert TXT< /a>
Take out the spaces
1. Text here! but take out
but take out the *'s.
2. Picto
[Using the same format as above for links]. Replace the username at the end of the URL with the username of the picto.
Oh how do you put links ain a
Same code. c: Just go back to
oh ok thanks!
realy for the url think i
- the '
reheheheh pokemon lol its easy lol
Snowbell: Yes, either way
1) [url=Paste here you're
Oh thats an easier way thank
Hey, your rearing Arapaho is
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