Question from a newbie

Hello! I'm new to this game and everything to do with it, only recently discovering it and downloading both legacy and updated versions of the game. I'll cut to the chase and make my question brief.

How do you customize your deer? I see people that have like all kinds of colors and even deer skulls for faces, but I am stuck as a default/fawn. Can someone please explain? Tysm!
Starling's picture

Hello and welcome! Spells

Hello and welcome! Smiling

Spells (masks/pelts/antlers) cast onto fawns will disappear after a few seconds, as they are not yet strong enough to hold the magic. Once your account is 4 weeks old, you will grow into an adult deer and be able to save the appearance!

As for how to obtain them - for most spells you will need another player to help. They can cast spells onto you and alter your appearance that way.

• There is Keepiru's Complete Guide of all TEF Sets! This indicates which things you can get and how they are obtained. For example, the skull mask is only available to get at Halloween Smiling Some of the info is a little outdated - for example, the "Gods Only" pelts were technically able to be obtained by donating to the campaign for the remake - so don't be alarmed if you see deer wandering around with those Laughing out loud
• There's also a player-made Contents page with some other useful links.
• Also a player-moderated Discord Server where there are channels where you can ask for help with sets, etc, in case you're unable to find anyone to help in-forest!

Hope this helps :] Feel free to ask any questions!