Question; Discussion

Solanine's picture
Does TEF lose or gain meaning for you when you use this site?

Personally, hypothetically, the game might gain meaning if you never used this site, by way of pure nonverbal interaction. Though, I admit that this site is wonderful.

Well, comment what you think... and I will watch....
arrowdoe's picture

I think it actually balances

I think it actually balances out fairly well.
When there is a conflict here on the community, I prefer to go in forest and forget that this site even exists.
When there are special events or such going on, I like to look around the community to see what is happening and when.
/two cents
Unplugged's picture

I don't think there's any

I don't think there's any gain or loss of 'meaning' in that way. The Forest itself doesn't gain or lose any of its meaning if you visit the community, but the way you want to perceive and play The Forest probably differs.
I believe a lot of it comes from our own choices of what we chose to see. Everyone has a different approach to the forest and, to stay on the topic of comm/no-comm, everyone can chose to play in the way they feel more comfortable with, be it more community-oriented or more to the original intentions of the "game" (using the term very loosely here).
Now, people who get introduced to the forest through the ideas the community brought to TEF will probably see a completely different "side" of The Forest than someone who doesn't pay attention to the TEFc at all, because they gain different information about it.
Not in ways of black and white, or "good" and "bad", just... different shades of grey, if that makes sense.