This post is a little pointless, but I just finished going over
EVERY BAND I listen to, separating all their genres, and figuring out how much of everything I listen to.
I did this once before, and this was the original result:
Originally I had a separate chart for various kinds of Rock. This time, I decided not to do that and to have one pie slice just for bands labeled 'rock', and added a half of a value for bands that were 'pop rock', 'punk rock', ect.
So anyway, here's the new list. You'll notice some new genres have been added, including funk, reggae, and indie:
I also made a spreadsheet showing the differences since then:
As you can see, my generic rock has increased while my metal has decreased about the same. My hard rock has decreased greatly while my alternative and post grunge has increased. Punk stayed the same, and then there are various changes including increases in funk, reggae, and indie.
It looks like I've made a shift from louder music to softer music. That's my interpretation.
Also for Jen, here's my rock chart:
If you compare this chart to the original one at the top, my rock has actually gotten a lot more diverse! I'm not just listening to a lot of rock, I'm listening to a lot of
different rock!
Anyway, it was fun to figure out. I'm starting to get more into other genres, while still listening to a lot of rock as well.
That's awesome! |D Very
I listen to Rock/Metal most of the time too. xDD
I think you're the God of music, considering how many types of music you listen to! I bet you own a huge amount of CD's (or downloads
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
I need to get a Zune Pass
I need to work on some of my areas, though. I've been having a hard time to listen to some metal, and really can only get into the power metal such as Sonata Arctica and Dragonforce. The only death metal band I really like is Goatwhore, and I tried to listen to others like Mudvayne and Trivium but it's just a little too different for me. I also need to work on my Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B - I only listen to Akon and Lupe Fiasco so far.
Yeah...its fun to listen to different genres, but you have to have the ear for it. Some people just aren't interested in some genres. I appreciate the comment
....I just realized I forgot
Well maybe next time I can add them in. The person I forgot was Seal, who would have added another genre, soul, into the chart. The reason why I forgot him was because I don't have him on my MP3 player yet, and I only have one of his albums so far *needs to go get more XD*
Ah well, at least it's fairly accurate.
I admire people that listen
One of the Death Note intro's was some sort of Death Metal and I couldn't get used to the screaming. Even after listening to it like... 15 times O.o
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Quad, these charts are
By the way, have you ever heard of It keeps track of stuff like this! You can even get graphs and genre "clouds" to put on your profile. And keeps track of everything you play, so you can check weekly or yearly to see what you listened to. If you do check it out, I'm on there, and so are a few people from TEF, including Auriea. :3
It didn't take long,
I've heard of, just have never checked it out. Might be the kind of thing someone like me would crave.
XD to increase my metal %, I
May God have mercy on my soul!
Later on I'll do a strict Rock chart to figure out what kinds of rock I'm more into, whether it's pop rock, punk rock, progressive rock, hard rock, ect ect ect.
Yeah, can do that