Quad's Bandwagon

Draak's picture
|D *brick'd*

Here's something you can do if you're bored! Pull up the Players list, and take the top 10 (or however many you'd like) pages of people. From the list grab every name that you know, and make a list like I have below. Then, take your MP3 player or playlist, and let it pick a song for each of them!

And in no particular order the people I know xD:

Misako: 'I want to Break Free' - Queen.
Pegz: 'Sad Lisa' - Cat Stevens. O_o
Raiakira: 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' - Queen.
Dannii: 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' - Queen.
Quad: "Old Time Rock and Roll' - Bob Segar.
Silent: 'Stuck on You' - Elvis.
Hal: 'Love Generation' - Bob Sinclaire.
Pep: 'Star Trekkin'' - The Firm.
Adagio: 'Oye Como Va' - Santana.
Avani: 'Return To Sender' - Elvis.
Her: 'Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride' - Lilo And Stitch OST.
Fayne: 'She's not You' - Elvis.
Squeegie: 'Hope You're Feeling Better - Santana.
Saan: 'Ride the Wild Wind' - Queen.
Quammy: 'Light as the Breeze' - Billy Joel.
Trinket: 'Jailhouse Rock' - Elvis.
Tabtabs: 'The Entertainer' - Billy Joel.
Verdalas: 'Crocodile Rock' - Elton John.
TwoEars: 'Tainted Love' - Eurythmics.
Sarie: 'Into the Night' - Santana.
Peppa: 'Too Much' - Elvis.
Zerg: 'Photograph' - Nickleback.
Corg: 'Jukebox in Siberia' - Skyhooks.
Rai: 'Year 3000' - Busted.


Adopted from Valenth

Click us!
quadraptor's picture

Wewt! Bob Segar rocks! The

Wewt! Bob Segar rocks!

The Divine Quadilogy
Draak's picture

I love that song xD. Though

Laughing out loud I love that song xD. Though I havent heard any of his others *shameshame* |D;


DraakxMitra C:
Taiko's picture

*giggle-snorts* Wow, I got

Wow, I got 'Oye Como Va'? 8D
Draak's picture

Yeah xDD O: You're familiar

Yeah xDD
O: You're familiar with Santana? xDDD


DraakxMitra C:
Seele's picture

I want to break free~ How

I want to break free~
How fitting, actually! XDD

--Stays a lonely Seele
Draak's picture

Yeah? xD 8D my iPod is

Yeah? xD 8D my iPod is psychic xDDD

DraakxMitra C:
Flyra's picture

Haha, that's cool, too! =D I

Haha, that's cool, too! =D
I wish I were on your list, too... I'd love to know what your psychic iPod thinks about me... x'D

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Draak's picture

dsfdfsdfsdfd I can do it now

dsfdfsdfsdfd I can do it now LOL

You areeeeeeeee: "Leningrad" - Billy Joel. O_o

DraakxMitra C:
Flyra's picture

LOLOLOLOL that's a beautiful

LOLOLOLOL that's a beautiful song x'D Thankyooou!

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Draak's picture

xDDD *pets

xDDD *pets iPod*

DraakxMitra C:
Vala 's picture

I'm not on your list

Sad I'm not on your list Sad
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Draak's picture

D: zomg...seeee? I knew I'd

D: zomg...seeee? I knew I'd forget people D: I'm sorrrryyyyyyy *hides*
I still have my iPod here XDD
Song for Vala: "Gimme The Prize" -Queen.


DraakxMitra C: