Let me know if you are any of the deer in these photos. One of the purposes of Candid Camera is to get to know some of my fellow Forest dwellers
Ran into Kaoori and another deer.
LOL Party!
Quad fail-nuzzled this deer who gave him his pelt. They apparently knew Quad's set so I'm sure this is someone I know, but I don't recognize the picto, so please let me know who you are.
Some wierd sitting party.
Ran into a couple of deer that I know their pictos....but can't place names. Sorry :<
I was extremely lucky to get this picture!
More silliness.
The stag and doe Quad was
Though if it's not Firefly, my bad. The other is definitely Darkweaver though ;3
Nope, that's Talor,
The other (golden doe, I can't remember the pelt names xD ) is Aeska.
i might need to see what's up
Thanks guys, I didn't know who was who.
mine get blurred and stuff
The white stag is my Furfur.
Skullmasked, peacock feathered, gray deer is just a random deer I started playing. Not a character though, just for fun.
*gigglefit at Darkweaverbutt
edit: I just noticed in the 3rd to last pic, Dark looks like he's trying to steal Quad's picto. X'D