Magnet here again. I don't know why Scape's being MIA lately...
but it's most likely due to Tempo's absence from the Forest... I'll see if I can snap him out of it.
Other than that, today was a pretty good day. It seems no one's allowing me to wander off on my own. ^^; I was slowly approaching this big group of deer, taking my time since I didn't know some of them, but then 21 and Vipin (I think. Darn memory...) pretty much ambush me and drag me over! 8O I was coming over already, y'know! I was just...observing first.
Ok, so I hung out with that big group. Only other deer aside from 21 and Vipin that I know there were Kinoshi (and not that well; I've only met him once), and I think Pepokeen might've been there, as well as a picto-less Taiko (I could tell it was him by the rofl-glitching).
I wonder where Ammy's been, though. She was going to spell-bomb me for reaching Staghood.
Well, moving on...
Seed joined us, but then a deer came over casting the devout pelt, causing Seed to flee. He still got hit, though. So I tried my hand at being a shield. I don't mind being hit with the white pelt. It worked for a little while, but with so many deer casting, he still got hit anyway. >_< Well...I tried. At least it stopped after a little while.
Her joined the group then. Was she surprised by my size? I thought she saw me on my Stag Day... >.>?
During some casting, Vipin suddenly disappeared! But his picto was still there, and I could get the glow!

I could even still smell him!

Dancing (Vipin had reappeared):
Most of the deer either left for other groups, or left completely, except for Vipin. But I had to sit and wait for awhile because my human got called away. I fell asleep, but Pega got a few pics she showed me afterwards.

Stelmaria had been nearby. I had been seeing her out of the corner of my eye, just standing off in the distance, barely in view, and it seemed like she was watching or something... But she never once approached.
Until Vipin fell asleep, too.

Pega said she even sniffed me. And when I woke up, she fled.
O.o? Eh? Did I do something?
And I could still see her off in the distance, or see her picto on the radar the entire time.
Like when Barwick reappeared, but was still asleep.

But maybe I'm reading too much into this...
Anyway, no matter how much Vipin and I pawed at, called out to, or cast on Barwick, he didn't wake up. =( So, with a bow, we left to find other deer to hang out with. (I could've left, but I bet if I had, I would've been dragged back.)
We found Pepokeen and Taiko.
And I did my demon tree bit again. Pretty soon we had a quadruple demon tree!

Barwick had woken up and joined us. =]
And an opportunity for closeups presented itself! I was wondering why Trinket's picto was at the top of the radar, yet I couldn't see him.
He was in the air!
Then Pepokeen went up there too. I got 2 of Pepokeen (Unfortunately the default brown shows through the silver pelt due to Pega having the character detail set on low. >.< The Forest runs better that way.):
And...many of Trinket:
You moved!
O.O I can see your face...
O_O And now not at all!
Ending with one of Taiko.
That's right when Vipin left. I decided to get a drink from the lake then, and saw Pepokeen and Taiko had gone there, too. Then Pepokeen fell in. O.o So we had to help him with his set. I had still noticed Stelmaria's picto on the radar, and I even caught glimpses of her as I was getting pelt spells from sleeping deer in the area. She was standing not too far from one of them, and when I approached, she backed away.
..? I was just getting a pelt spell.
But then Pepokeen just disappeared. O_o Um...alright then.
My human was complaining that it had been awhile since she'd eaten and that her stomach was making her feel sick, so I left so she could grab some food.
I'll try to kick Scape into the Forest sometime soon.
Until next time.
Sorry Barwick didn't wake up
Ammy has been trying to get
Kogy made it it a forum bcause the other were closed and it modeated so that none of the Bad stuff that closed the forums is in there
(y dont u join it..........................)
@Barwick: Pega: I knew that,
Pega: I knew that, but thas just how my deer react to seeing a sleeping friend in the Forest. ^^;
Scape: So you finally saw Ada again. That's good. =] But it seems like you just missed Magnet; he was in the Forest when it was red.
Magnet: 8O What?? I did?! Ah, darn. But it was kind of late when I left as it is. >_<
Don't say I never do
Here's your entire "Antics" thread, all backed up!
Download Deer Tracker v1.0
Pega: O.O OMFG... I would
I would say I love you, but that would be really weird. XD;
So I'll just say YOU ARE AWESOME. ^___^
I shall download when I get home tonight. =D
:0 I didn't see you on your
It was also near bedtime too though, so. Short time. But fun!
That floating Vipin pictogram was lol-able! XD
:0 LOL @ floating Vippy
LOL @ floating Vippy picto. xD
My EF got an error report from Microsoft and had to be shut down. >>
I got it right back up thought! 8D
@Her: Magnet: Really? But I
Magnet: Really? But I saw you that day. O.o I distinctly remember you being at the Crying Idol.
Magnet: I call that being a demon tree (having your legs and face [and antlers] stick out while you seem to be going "Mwahaha!"). X]
OH WELL FJKLSFJKD Happy Stagtationess! C: C: C: