Porcupine: climbing a tree.
May 30, 2024 - 3:54pm — porcupinetree
art × recent × mapdiscord: andyurastar
PORCUPINEankle-biter creechur | size #33 | she/they | 97.89% IC
in-game info
swan pelt × antelope/owl/koi/dotd mask × antlerless × mini
× also called pine/porky/pinko
× weirdly fascinated with crying idol statues
× very jumpy when emoting
× if she CAN climb something, she WILL attempt to climb something
Dubbed ''Porcupine'' due to her distinct, rather spiky fur that always sticks out. She is a brocket-like doe, with several canine features. Build-wise she's rather small (70cm standing), agile and quick with her reactions. Despite her quickness, she's not of the most graceful sort when it comes to the way she moves. Oftentimes she's brash, quick to stop midstride and make sudden movements. She has a very expressive, long tail that oftentimes just whips about, betraying her current emotions/thoughts. Her fur is bright, a very pale shade of silver with some darker gray points on her legs, eyebrows and muzzle. Large pink spot on nose.
Her body language is a mixture of cervine and canine, often interchangeable depending on her comfort level. She's headstrong, and very forward with her speech. Rather dislikes touch and shies away from affection; has yet to learn how to tolerate (or even like) it. Oftentimes can be spicy and may nip at well-meaning strangers that approach way too close. She's reticent, but can be very talkative and playful when comfortable.
here's a hymn to those that disappear
first attempt at css if
big thanks to Unplugged for all the CSS guides! they're a lifesaver
Your css looks very neat!
Thank you Leafy! Much
Loooove this page! It's very
Aaa thank you Starling!!
oh this reminds me of the old
Interesting character too!
Glad it gives off that vibe,
Thank you <3 she's still very wip, but getting there!
July 9th 2024 mini update!
Porcupine's got a new in-game look! Finally settled down for a bit and stopped changing masks constantly <3
Big thanks to Starling and Atlas for helping with the set!
After settling down for the day, Porcupine had a grand old time headbutting Atlas and climbing the playground rocks with him.
And of course, pelting him while he's a mini. Afterward she'd gotten tired and went right back to pretending he didn't exist.
Yay lil updates! Love the
An interesting character ^^ I
Very good work with the css.
February 24th 2025 A small
A small character update
Porcupine is back in the Forest after months of inactivity! She's going to be mostly OOC from now on (unless approached IC via Discord) as I figure out where I want to take her character/and remake her further. Other than that, this blog will probably serve as a place for edited screenshot dumps, when inspiration strikes while I take a billion years to complete Fjara's bio (and take breaks from him lol)
As of any other significant updates; sorry if I've spooked you Saater! Thanks for playing around
And thank you for your comments, Fabi, Starling <3 I miss seeing you in the forest